

What Does Double Jaw Surgery Correct?

Double jaw surgery, also known as two-jaw or orthognathic surgery, is a moderately complex surgical procedure designed to correct a variety of skeletal and dental irregularities in the upper and lower jaws. This surgery not only enhances facial aesthetics but also improves functional aspects such as breathing, chewing, and speech. In this blog post, we will discuss the intricacies of double jaw surgery, the conditions to correct the jaw, the process of the procedures, the recovery process, and the potential benefits it offers patients. Understanding Orthognathic Issues Orthognathic issues refer to misalignments or discrepancies in the positioning of the upper and lower jaws, which can result in functional impairments and aesthetic concerns. Malocclusion, derived from "mal" meaning bad, and "occlusion" referring to bite, denotes an abnormal alignment of the upper and lower teeth. There are three primary classes of malocclusion: Class I, II, and III, ranked from least to most severe.Overbite (Class II Malocclusion) An overbite manifests when the upper jaw extends too far forward, resulting in the upper teeth overlapping the lower teeth vertically. Various factors can contribute to the development of overbite, including prolonged use of pacifiers or thumb sucking during childhood, as well as habits like nail biting in adulthood. However, genetics predominantly influence its occurrence.Untreated overbites can lead to oral health complications, including jaw pain, tooth erosion, and gum disease. Furthermore, if left unaddressed, overbites tend to worsen over time. The gap between the upper and lower teeth gradually widens, exacerbating existing issues and potentially necessitating additional treatment.Underbite (Class III Malocclusion) Conversely, an underbite arises when the lower jaw protrudes forward, resulting in the lower teeth extending beyond the upper teeth when the mouth is closed. While underbites can have a genetic predisposition, other factors such as prolonged pacifier use, thumb sucking, mouth breathing, and tongue thrusting may contribute to their development.As individuals age, underbites often worsen, posing risks to dental health. This includes enamel damage, heightened susceptibility to tooth chipping or breakage, and an increased likelihood of bacterial infections within the oral cavity.Crossbite Crossbite refers to the misalignment of one or more teeth, where the upper teeth sit inside the lower teeth. This misalignment can occur at the front or sides of the mouth and is associated with tooth wear, gum disease, and bone loss. Over time, it can cause the jaw to shift to one side, resulting in the gradual development of an asymmetrical facial structure.Open bite Open bite is when the top teeth and bottom teeth do not come together or There is no overlap of the teeth leading to them looking "open." Open bites can be caused by either tooth position, jaw position, or a combination of both. People sometimes have an open bite because of a problem with their jawbone.Facial Asymmetry Almost everyone has some degree of facial asymmetry; however, some cases are more noticeable than others. For some, the asymmetry lies in the jaw, which can result in an even more uneven appearance.The Role of Double Jaw Surgery Double jaw surgery is a highly specialized procedure aimed at correcting these orthognathic issues by repositioning the upper and lower jaws to achieve proper alignment and balance. The surgery is typically performed by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon in collaboration with an orthodontist to ensure optimal outcomes.Pre-surgical Evaluation: X-raysCTBlood testImpressions of your teeth to create a dental model and wafersTeeth scanSurgical Procedure: Double jaw surgery is performed under general anesthesia in a hospital setting. The surgeon makes carefully planned incisions inside the mouth to access the underlying jawbones. Depending on the specific corrections needed, the surgeon may perform procedures such as:Maxillary Osteotomy: Involves repositioning the upper jaw (maxilla) by making precise cuts and repositioning the bone segments to correct issues such as overbite or open bite.Mandibular Osteotomy: Addresses lower jaw (mandible) misalignments by repositioning the lower jawbone segments, commonly used to correct underbites or facial asymmetry.V-line surgery: Genioplasty and angular jaw correction are commonly performed together with double jaw surgery to improve facial harmony and balance.Dental braces: In most cases, braces are done before and/or after double jaw surgery to improve the teeth alignments and asymmetry.Recovery Process: Following double jaw surgery, patients typically require a period of recovery, during which they may experience swelling, bruising, and temporary discomfort. A liquid or soft diet is often recommended initially, gradually progressing to a regular diet as healing progresses. Patients are advised to follow post-operative instructions diligently, including proper oral hygiene and attending follow-up appointments with the surgical and orthodontic teams.Benefits of Double Jaw Surgery Double jaw surgery offers a range of benefits beyond cosmetic enhancement, including:Improved Facial Symmetry: By correcting jaw misalignments and facial asymmetry, double jaw surgery can enhance facial harmony and balance, leading to a more aesthetically pleasing appearance.Enhanced Dental Function: Proper alignment of the jaws improves bite function, allowing for more efficient chewing and speaking. This can alleviate issues such as difficulty biting, chewing, and pronouncing certain sounds.Relief from Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorders: In some cases, orthognathic surgery can alleviate symptoms associated with TMJ disorders, such as jaw pain, clicking or popping sounds, and limited jaw movement.Boosted Self-Confidence: Addressing orthognathic issues can have a profound impact on a patient's self-esteem and confidence, enabling them to smile, speak, and interact with greater assurance. Double jaw surgery is a transformative procedure that offers both functional and aesthetic benefits to individuals with orthognathic issues. By correcting jaw misalignments and improving facial harmony, this surgery can significantly enhance quality of life and overall well-being. However, patients need to undergo thorough evaluation and consultation with a qualified surgical and orthodontic team to determine if they are suitable candidates for the procedure. With careful planning and expert execution, double jaw surgery can yield life-changing results for those affected by orthognathic issues.Read more About Double Jaw Correction in Korea.

5 effective tips to speed up recovery after Rhinoplasty

 The nose is one of the most noticeable characteristics that enhance facial beauty. In case the nose is deformed due to an accident or lacks symmetry, which causes psychological problems for its owner, many people seek surgical intervention to restore the original shape of their nose or to obtain the shape that they have always dreamed of. Through this procedure, the plastic surgeon reconstructs the structure of the nose based on well-studied techniques that are essentially the result of years of experience. The main goal of rhinoplasty is to improve the nose appearance based on proportion, or the so-called golden ratio so that the shape of the nose is consistent with the other facial features.If you are among the many who have always dreamed of improving the shape of their nose and want to undergo surgery but are still hesitant, we would like to reassure you that it is a natural feeling that most rhinoplasty patients feel extreme anxiety, which increases during the pre-operative period. Ensuring the desired results depends on many factors, including the expertise of the surgeon and medical staff, but following pre and post-operative instructions is key to ensuring a quick and harmless recovery. Prevention and appropriate preparations greatly reduce the risk before and after any surgical operation, not only rhinoplasty.In this blog, you will find the most important tips that everyone who is thinking about undergoing rhinoplasty must be aware of in order to be well prepared. Before RhinoplastyFirst tip: Relieve stress before rhinoplastyThe psychological aspect may be among the factors that influence the outcome of any surgical intervention in a favorable or bad way, so it is very important to reduce your stress. It is normal for a person to feel nervous, tense, or anxious before rhinoplasty, but there are many ways to reduce the level of stress.Psychological support: You can overcome your stress if you share the details of the experience with someone close to you who you can talk to easily, such as a friend or family member. Having a supportive person who is a good listener may help you manage your anxiety and overcome your fears.Consultation session with the surgeon: The consultation session is considered one of the most important steps before surgery that helps relieve stress, contrary to what some people might think. During the consultation, the surgeon will draw a clear outline of the surgical steps, goals, and what must be followed to ensure the best results, which builds trust between the rhinoplasty patient and the surgeon.Various preparations: To avoid stress and the accumulation of things that you have to do after surgery and to ensure advance arrangements, it is advisable to choose a good place where you can spend the recovery period, away from noise and responsibilities. Doing shopping in advance is also very important, as it saves you the trouble of thinking and stressing yourself, especially since you will be tired after surgery and need to rest. To maintain your best health, try to hydrate your body by drinking sufficient amounts of water. Drinking liquids such as juices contributes to hydrating the skin, which significantly reduces the effects of surgical scars. A healthy, balanced diet and good hydration help reduce your stress. You can also practice mouth breathing, as this will help you, especially during the first days after surgery.The second piece of advice: things to avoidSmoking: If you are a smoker, you are more aware than others of the harmful effects of smoking on your health, but the matter may become more severe if you undergo any surgical operation, so doctors recommend quitting smoking before rhinoplasty surgery at least one month before the surgery. The anesthesia team's task is more difficult when the rhinoplasty patient is a smoker, as the team makes every effort to ensure that the patient breathes well throughout the anesthesia, and the negative effects of smoking on the heart and its functions are countless. During the surgery, the high levels of creatine monoxide and other toxins in the blood resulting from smoking, which penetrate the body's tissues, depriving them of the oxygen necessary to ensure their recovery, hinder and delay the recovery process. It is necessary to quit smoking for a period of time, even after surgery, as nicotine causes the blood vessels to narrow, which negatively affects the recovery process. How? The narrower the blood vessels, the weaker the blood flow, the slower the healing of wounds, and the greater the rate of cell and tissue death. Drinking alcohol: From a medical perspective, especially for those thinking about undergoing surgery, alcohol harms the blood and is the main cause of its thinning. This causes a decrease in the number of platelets, which hinders wound healing and blood clotting and even increases blood flow and bleeding. The healing of scars and full recovery are among the most important things that the surgeon is keen on completing perfectly after rhinoplasty surgery. However, drinking alcohol without awareness of its risks on the results of the surgery might cause consequences such as delayed blood clotting, scar healing, and other problems. It is also recommended to stop drinking during the recovery period, as the effect of alcohol may interfere with the effect of prescribed medications. Medications: It is necessary to consult a surgeon to ensure the possibility of taking a specific medication. But in general, doctors recommend stopping taking any unnecessary medication two weeks before surgery and stopping taking ibuprofen and some nutritional supplements such as vitamin E. After rhinoplastyThird tip: Physical comfort- Take a rest, avoid activities that may cause pressure on the face, and stay away from crowded places to avoid injuring the nose or catching a cold.- Avoid bending down or lying on your stomach or face. It is preferable to sleep on your back for a period after rhinoplasty surgery, to ensure that there is no pressure on the nose. You can use two pillows to keep your head elevated.- It is necessary to avoid strenuous activities, but this does not mean that we should not walk, as doctors recommend walking for varying periods throughout the recovery period, especially from the first days after surgery. Walking daily helps reduce swelling and bruising.Fourth tip: Take care during the first seven to ten days- It is very important to follow a diet rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals to help you heal and recover. Make sure to drink plenty of liquids to avoid dehydration. In Korea, doctors usually recommend drinking pumpkin juice because of the benefits it contains that help in quick recovery. Be sure to avoid salty or spicy food. You should also avoid eating very hot or very cold food.- It is recommended to use cold compresses on the nose for twenty minutes every hour or two to help reduce the severity of bruising and swelling.- It is recommended to wear comfortable, loose clothing so that it does not constitute an obstacle when changing or putting pressure on the nose.- Painkillers can be taken in the reasonable limit and quantity recommended by the doctor.- Stay away from wearing glasses or sunglasses for at least a month in order to avoid pressure on the bridge of the nose or increased side complications, which may lead to revision of the surgery. You can use contact lenses if you haven’t undergone eyelid surgery along with the rhinoplasty.- Avoid exposure to sunlight, because high temperature will actually increase the symptoms of swelling. The same applies to baths or saunas.- Excessive nasal discharge is considered normal, so do not worry. Take care of the cleanliness of the surgical area with saline solution and avoid putting pressure on the nose. It also causes swelling of the blood veins in the surgical area (the nose) and congestion, which makes you feel uncomfortable, especially during the first week after surgery.- It is recommended to limit sneezing or coughing due to stitches as much as possible. Since it is a natural thing that you cannot control, you can resort to a trick to relieve the pressure on the nose, by keeping the mouth open whenever you feel the need to sneeze or cough.- Avoid exposing the nasal splint or stitches to water.- Avoid applying makeup around bruises as this may cause harm and slow down healing.- Be sure to consult a doctor if any emergency occurs, such as sudden pain in the chest area, a sudden high body temperature, severe pain that does not go away even after taking painkillers, dizziness or severe headache, difficulty breathing, bleeding, inflammation, etc.- Avoid products that contain all kinds of nicotine and avoid drinking alcohol. Fifth Tip: Determine your expectations after rhinoplasty - Nasal splint and internal nasal plugs: Immediately after surgery, you will have to breathe through your mouth due to nasal wicks (nasal plugs, nasal packing), which is what the surgeon uses as a preventive measure to avoid bleeding. As for the external splint, it is placed to support the nose until it heals and is usually removed after five to seven days (usually 7 days), depending on the patient’s condition.- Sutures: In the case of open rhinoplasty, the sutures are removed during the seventh (or tenth) day after surgery. Some of the sutures are dissolvable and are usually the ones that are used inside the nose.- Immediately after surgery, and when you wake up from anesthesia, you will be asked not to drink water and not to eat for a few minutes until you fully recover from anesthesia and are completely discharged.- The first stage after rhinoplasty surgery (the first week) is the most difficult, so you must be patient.- Doctors advise doing some exercises sometime after rhinoplasty surgery in order to help make the nose take its correct shape. These exercises include applying pressure on both sides of the nose from top to bottom without putting pressure on the bridge of the nose to avoid displacement of bone or cartilage.- Do not judge the final results of rhinoplasty surgery in a short time, as the nose needs a longer time to recover and take its true shape depending on the type of nose: fleshy or bony, as the matter varies. Frequently Asked Questions When can I return to my normal activities? Doctors recommend a gradual return to normal life. You can return to daily activities and light exercise in the second week, while it is recommended to return to heavy sporting activities a month after rhinoplasty surgery. How long do I need to live in Korea to be able to undergo rhinoplasty? The length of stay is usually related to the date of removal of the stitches, and in the case of rhinoplasty, you will have to stay from seven to ten days, depending on the clinic. However, the clinics understand how difficult it is for foreigners to come from abroad to undergo surgery, and have made it possible to provide a document allowing you to have the stitches removed in your country if you are unable to stay longer.What is the most appropriate diet after rhinoplasty surgery? The most important nutrients that you should be sure to eat are:- Protein: found in eggs, poultry, low-fat fish, nuts, and some legumes.- Vitamins: Vitamin A, found in carrots, spinach, cabbage, etc., Vitamin C, found in citrus fruits, tomatoes, etc., Vitamin D, found in milk, eggs, etc., Vitamin K, found mainly in vegetables, fish...etc.- Iron and zinc: found in meat, poultry, seafood, legumes, and dairy products. Related videos:Rhinoplasty experience in KoreaRevision Rhinoplasty in KoreaMoroccan Influencer got her Rhinoplasty in Korea

Bulbous Nose Correction in Korea

Everyone has different nose shapes and unique factors that vary in age, ethnicity, trauma, etc. Among them, the bulbous nose is distinguished by its wide and round tip. A bulbous nose contributes to the unique aesthetics of one’s face, but what if someone isn’t satisfied with their bulbous nose? Enter rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a “nose job” is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures worldwide. It can be a solution for individuals grappling with both aesthetic concerns and physical discomforts stemming from a bulbous nose. It offers solutions by allowing modifications of the nose shape and size to align with personal preferences or to address medical concerns. Let’s dive deeper into what bulbous noses are and the surgical means for individuals seeking to alter their noses.What is a Bulbous Nose? If you look at the anatomy of a bulbous nose, you can see that it has a round or wide tip. This is often due to excess tissue on the nasal tip or an enlarged lateral cartilage, often lacking definition and appearing disproportionate to the rest of the face. While the perception of beauty may vary across cultures, in Korea, a refined and well-defined nose is highly valued. A bulbous nose can detract from facial symmetry and harmony, leading many individuals to seek correction through rhinoplasty. Moreover, the nasal passage might be broader with a more prominent bone structure. These factors can influence the overall shape of the nose.What is the Cause of a Bulbous Nose? A bulbous nose tip is considered a nasal deformation due to excess cartilage and an enlarged or swollen shape at the tip of the nose. This can be caused when the cartilage at the tip of the nose is convex or curved outward, spaced too far apart, making the nose tip appear too wide.It can also be due to the poor cartilage strength or thickness of the nasal skin. This can also affect breathing and other nasal functions.The most underlying cause for bulbous noses is genetics. Some people are born with a more prominent tip than others. Others can have it because of trauma or injury to the nose, which can alter the shape. Another factor that most people don’t consider is aging. When you age, the collagen and elastin on the nose skin decrease, causing the tip of the nose to become softer and rounder.You can improve a bulbous nose through a surgical approach, which involves the meticulous reshaping and refinement of the nasal structure to address its prominent, rounded appearance. There are several methods for performing rhinoplasty specifically tailored to rectifying the issues associated with a bulbous nose.Bulbous Tip Correction Surgery A bulbous tip correction, also known as tip plasty, is a specific type of rhinoplasty that targets the nasal tip area.Surgical Techniques: Korean plastic surgeons employ a variety of surgical techniques to address bulbous noses effectively. These techniques are tailored to each patient's unique anatomical features and aesthetic goals, ensuring natural-looking results that harmonize with the rest of the face.Tip Refinement: One common approach involves refining the nasal tip to reduce its size and create a more defined shape. This may involve reshaping the cartilage and tissue of the nasal tip to achieve the desired contour.Alar Base Reduction: In cases where the nostrils are wide or flared, alar base reduction can be performed to narrow the base of the nose. This procedure helps achieve a more balanced and proportionate appearance.Cartilage Sculpting: Cartilage sculpting techniques may be conducted to reshape the underlying nasal structure, further enhancing nasal definition and symmetry. This may involve removing excess cartilage or adding structural support to refine the nasal contours.Understanding Korean Rhinoplasty Korean rhinoplasty stands apart from its Western counterpart in several fundamental ways. While Western approaches to rhinoplasty often aim for dramatic transformations, Korean rhinoplasty prioritizes achieving natural-looking results that enhance the patient’s features. The primary objective is not merely to create a nose that appears “worked on,” but rather to seamlessly integrate it with the facial structure, fostering a sense of balance and harmony.Moreover, the landscape of rhinoplasty in Korea is dynamic, and characterized by evolving trends that come and go. Korean plastic surgeons adeptly navigate these rhinoplasty trends, selecting the most suitable nose contours based on the patient's overall facial proportions. It's recognized that not all trends universally complement every individual, underscoring the importance of consulting with an expert who can discern the ideal lines and shapes that harmonize with each person's unique characteristics.Prevalence of Bulbous Nose Correction in Asia Bulbous nose correction ranks among the most sought-after cosmetic procedures in Korea. Factors such as genetic predisposition, ethnic characteristics, and cultural beauty standards contribute to the prevalence of this surgery. Many individuals perceive a bulbous nose as a cosmetic flaw that undermines their overall appearance, prompting them to seek correction to achieve a more refined and balanced facial aesthetic.Planning Your Next Nose Job in South Korea? Traveling to South Korea for plastic surgery may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! Docfinderkorea helps patients find the best doctors and clinics for plastic surgery in South Korea. Our team meticulously chooses top medical facilities and esteemed Korean plastic surgeons, each boasting decades of experience, to ensure tip-tier care. We conduct exhaustive research on every medical provider, prioritizing safety, expertise, and client satisfaction.You can count on us to help you navigate through plastic surgery, dermatology, vision, and dental, so contact us today for a free online consultation!

Do Hair Transplants Actually Work?

SourcePeople still question if hair transplants really work and if it’s possible to keep the result after the surgery forever.For sure hair transplants are typically more successful than other hair restoration options.Let’s see in details what is a hair transplant and how does this procedure work.There are two types of hair transplant procedures: follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT), which is also called follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS). How Do Hair Transplants Work? Hair transplants work by removing the follicles from an area where you have plenty of hair and implanting them to the areas affected by hair loss.Transplanted hairs go through phases of adapting to the transplant area and this process requires a bit of patience, but the results are worth it.First, hair are small and short in the follicles.Then, they start falling out and shedding.After they grow back in as naturally growing hairs and keep getting more thick and strong over time.There are 2 main types of hair transplant: follicular unit transplant (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). While each type of procedure provides similar results, but the way they achieve them is different.FUT and FUE: what’s the difference?  Each method has its own pros and cons. Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) or follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) is the strip hair transplant method that means cutting out a strip of scalp from the donor area. The pros of this type of hair transplant are more fast surgery time (avg 5 hours) without damage to hair follicles, high engraftment rate and low economic burden.This kind of hair transplant is perfect for dense hair cause this method let do more grafts per session, up to 4000 with very high level of graft survival (98%).The cons of this hair transplant’s type are small incision scar after the surgery that makes FUT more recommended for longer hair due to linear scar and longer healing period that requires refraining from intense activities for 4-8 weeks. Turnaround for daily activities is 10 days. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a cutting-edge hair transplant method that harvest individual hair follicles from the donor area using specialized micro punches.The pros of this method are hardly any scaring and fast recovery time with less operation pain that means quick turnaround about 3-5 days for daily activities and 10 days for intense activities.Graft survival level is 85%. This method is good for very short hairstyle cause requires some shaving in donor area before the procedure.   The cons of this kind of hair transplant is more long surgery time (avg 8 hours). And FUE is better for less dense donor area cause allows to graft fewer number of grafts per session, up to 2000.After the consultation, the doctor will recommend which procedure would be best suited for you.Does hair transplant hurt?  During the procedure you don’t feel any pain because local anesthetic will be injected into your scalp.After the procedure you may experience some pain and discomfort but normally they are minimal and easily managed by over-the-counter painkillers like Tylenol or Ibuprofen. What Are the Risks and Side Effects of Hair Transplants? As any other surgery, hair transplants have some risks and side effects. They may vary depends on the harvesting technique, but the most common of them include:SwellingItchinessBleedingInflammationScarringInfectionNumbness or loss of feelingThese risks and side effects are relatively minor, and most are temporary. How Long Does A Hair Transplant Last?   In general, the success rate of hair transplants is 95-98%. Top-rated surgeons usually perform the surgery with a close to 100% success result. But with unprofessional clinics the failure rate may have up to a 30%. That’s why it’s so important to find professional clinic with advanced techniques and skilled surgeons.The result after hair transplant performed by high-qualified hair transplant surgeon can be permanent and lasts a long time. In some cases, it can last more than 20 years, in some cases for life.Normally, a hair transplant is a long-term solution to pattern baldness, but you may need multiple surgeries to achieve the outcome you want.Unfortunately, hair transplants won’t work for everyone though there is a small chance that the transplanted hair won’t take and fall out. Also hair transplant can’t prevent you from future hair loss especially if the patient has active hair loss.Anyway the success of any procedure depends on proper aftercare and recovery. That’s why it’s so important to follow your surgeon’s instructions for post-operation care if you want to achieve your best possible result. What are the things to consider after hair transplant? Ensure your pillowcase is clean and keep it clean to avoid getting any infectionsNo alcohol and tobacco for the first week after the procedure Avoid touching your head for the first 48 hours, as the grafts may be dislodged No hair wash for the first 3 daysNo sauna for the first three monthsAvoid extreme heat and cold, especially for the first 2 weeks after the procedureNo swimming for 1.5 monthsAvoid excess sun exposure and sunbathing for the first 3 monthsNo intense physical activity (cardio, weight lifting, physical work and etc.) for the first 1 month after the surgery What are the benefits of hair transplant in South Korea?  SourceSouth Korea is a plastic surgery capital of the world. The country is known for providing high-quality medical service.The cost of hair transplant in Korea can vary depending on the clinic, the method and number of hairs transplanted, but compared to other countries like US, hair transplants in South Korea are relatively more affordable.The choice of the clinic is really important. Docfinderkorea only works with the best clinics where only highly qualified and the most experienced surgeons perform the procedures using advanced technologies.If you want to get a free consultation, click here. 


What is vision correction surgery?

WHAT IS VISION CORRECTION SURGERY?The vision issues are a very common problem worldwide. There are at least 2.2 billion people with impaired near or distance vision. As a consequence, people who suffer from this problem are forced to wear glasses or contact lenses in their daily lives. Although glasses and contact lenses are a solution, it is only temporary, since it is not possible to wear them 24/7. Additionally, they can often be uncomfortable in certain aspects or moments of life, which can make it difficult to perform certain tasks or activities.For this reason, nowadays many individuals consider putting an end to this problem, with a permanent solution. This solution is vision correction surgery. And South Korea is one of the countries with the most advanced technology for this surgery.But what is vision correction surgery? What does vision correction surgery treat? What are the different types of vision correction surgery? Who can have vision correction surgery? How do I know if I am a candidate for the surgery? In this article we will delve into these questions. What is vision correction surgery in Korea?Vision correction surgery adjust how your eyes focus light, improving your vision. It’s a general term for a few different types of surgery that can correct refractive errors in your vision.Your eyes are supposed to naturally focus light so it reaches the back of your eyes don’t focus light correctly, affecting how well you see things.There are two main places in your eyes where refraction happens:-Corneas: The corneas of your eyes are dome-shaped sections of tissue at the front of your eyes. Your cornea is at the front of your eye, just in front of your pupil and iris. About 65% to 75% of refraction (light-bending) happens in your corneas.-Lenses: The lenses of your eyes further bend and focus light as it travels toward your retinas at the back of your eyes. The lens of each eye is just behind your pupil.Vision correction surgery can make changes to the corneas or the lenses, adjusting how they focus light. That’s how these procedures improve your vision.Is not a complicated surgery. The procedure it takes around 10 to 30 minutes, the hospitalization is just around 20 minutes, and you can see the improvements since right after surgery or in about 2 weeks, depending on the type of vision correction surgery you have. What does vision correction surgery treat?There are four main types of refractive errors that vision correction surgery can treat:-Nearsightedness (myopia)-Farsightedness (hyperopia)-Distorted refraction (astigmatism)-Age-related loss of up-close vision (presbyopia) What are the different types of vision correction surgery in Korea?There are 3 main types of vision correction surgery in Korea:-LASIK: This surgery is the most well-known laser refractive surgery performed to correct vision problems. LASIK surgery can be an alternative to glasses or contact lenses. During LASIK surgery, a special type of cutting laser is used to change the shape of the cornea. The cornea is the transparent, dome-shaped tissue at the front of the eye. First, a laser or a surgical blade creates a thin flap in the cornea. Next, an excimer laser sculpts the underlying cornea into a new shape to correct the refractive error. The flap is repositioned and adheres on its own without sutures after a few minutes. Once surgery is finished eye drops and/or ointment are placed in the eye to facilitate the healing process. Vision recovery is usually fast. Eye drops and special medications are given after surgery to minimize the risk of infection and improve comfort. Although you only need one day in Korea for this procedure, we recommend that you stay at least 3 days so that you can have a checkup afterwards.-LASEK: Like other types of laser refractive surgery, LASEK involves altering the shape of the cornea using an excimer laser to allow light entering the eye to be properly focused on the retina for clearer vision. In the LASEK procedure the corneal epithelium is separated from the underlying stromal layer, but instead of completely removing and discarding this tissue the LASEK surgeon moves an ultrathin "flap" of epithelium to one side of the cornea, where it remains attached to the eye (as the thicker flap of corneal tissue created during LASIK surgery). After the laser treatment is completed, the epithelial tissue is repositioned on the surface of the eye to cover the laser-treated stroma, and a contact lens is placed as a bandage on the eye to hold the epithelium in place while it heals.-SMILE: SMILE laser eye surgery is performed using a femtosecond laser. In the SMILE procedure, the surgeon uses a femtosecond laser to create a small lens-shaped piece of tissue (lenticle) inside the cornea. Then, with the same laser, a small arc-shaped incision is made on the surface of the cornea and the surgeon removes the lenticule through this incision and discards it. With the small lenticule removed, the shape of the cornea is altered, thus correcting myopia. The corneal incision heals within a few days without stitches and vision becomes clearer very quickly. This technique should be considered if you want the safest and most stable procedures.Who can have vision correction surgery?The basic conditions or requirements to have vision correction surgery are the following:-Have 18 years or more-Have a stable graduation for at least one year-Have a good eye health.-Pregnant or breastfeeding patients should wait, as during this time they may experience changes in prescription-That there is no type of injury to the cornea-You should not suffer from any autoimmune disease, diabetes, glaucoma and/or diabetic retinopathy. In these cases, the specialist must carry out an in-depth study of the patient-You should not be taking medication that intervenes in blood clottingHow do I know if I am a candidate for the surgery?An ophthalmologist specialized in refractive surgery must determine who is a good candidate for eye surgery. To do this, the first thing the ophthalmologist must do is carry out a series of ophthalmological tests that provide information about the patient's profile and help determine whether the patient is a suitable candidate or not. In conclusion, vision correction surgery procedures can make a big difference in how you see the world and live your life. These procedures may be the key to helping reduce your dependence on glasses or contact lenses or give them up altogether.If you have trouble wearing glasses or contact lenses or want to improve your vision so your prescription is not as strong, vision correction surgery may benefit you. The ophthalmologist can help you understand more about these procedures and help you choose one. Docfinderkorea will help you find the best clinic in Korea for vision correction surgery. If you want to get a free consultation, click here. 


FAQ’s About Getting Plastic Surgery in Korea

Before arriving in South Korea for plastic surgery, many unanswered questions come to mind. We have gathered the most frequently asked questions from our previous patients, and in this article, we will answer and satisfy all your curiosities. 1. How much does plastic surgery in Korea cost? One of the most appealing aspects of plastic surgery in Korea is its affordability. The competitive nature of the plastic surgery market has driven prices down significantly, making procedures more accessible for individuals seeking enhancement. Moreover, when considering the overall expenses, including accommodation, flights, and other related costs, Korea often proves to be more economical compared to many other countries.  Another advantage is that the prices of procedures typically include taxes. This means that after your surgery, you can obtain a tax refund receipt and claim your refund at the airport, further reducing your overall expenses. However, it is crucial to remember that affordability does not equate to quality. Some smaller and less expensive clinics may not have full-time anesthesiologists on staff. Consequently, post-surgery, patients may not receive adequate monitoring or treatment, posing serious risks to their health and safety. When considering plastic surgery in Korea, it is essential to consider the quality of care alongside the cost.If you are interested in specific procedures and their associated costs, reach out to Docfinderkorea. By sending your photos, you can gain a personalized treatment plan with insights into the pricing and the potential options available to you. 2. Why are Korean doctors good? Several factors contribute to South Korea’s reputation as the best destination for plastic surgery.Firstly, the rigor and competitiveness of the education system cannot be overlooked. To become a doctor in Korea, one must rank within the top 1% of their entire school. From this elite group, only a select few are chosen to specialize in plastic surgery, given the intense competition within the field. This stringent selection process ensures that only the most skilled individuals become plastic surgeons, assuring patients that they are in highly capable hands.Secondly, experience plays a significant role in the proficiency of Korean plastic surgeons. Plastic surgery is incredibly prevalent in Korea, with a large portion of the population either considering or undergoing procedures. It is estimated that around 1 in 3 South Korean women aged 19 to 29 have undergone plastic surgery. With such widespread demand, Korean doctors are consistently engaged in surgical procedures, honing their expertise through practical experience. This high volume of surgeries enables them to refine their skills and become specialists in their respective fields, providing patients with a level of proficiency that is hard to match elsewhere. 3. Is it okay to fly back after getting plastic surgery? Generally, it is recommended to stay in Korea for a certain period after surgery to ensure proper healing and address any potential complications. Each clinic has different days for stitch removal, but you can also get them removed in your home country. Here are the approximate days of stitch removal for each procedure.5~7 days: thread lift7~8 days: eyes, fat graft, accusculpt7~15 days: nose, breast, liposuction, facial contouring10~14 days: forehead endotine14~15 days: two jaw, facial contouring, face and neck lift, hairline lowering, hair transplant, abdominoplasty 4. Is it safe to get multiple surgeries at once? Combining multiple surgeries can increase the complexity of the procedure and recovery process. It is crucial to consult with your surgeon and medical team to assess the risks and benefits based on your health condition and the extent of the procedures.5. Does the surgery cost include deswelling treatments and health checkups? The inclusion of deswelling treatments and health checkups in the surgery cost can vary depending on the clinic. All clinics working with Docfinderkorea include health checkups in their surgery prices. Health checkups include blood tests, X-rays, CT scans, and EKG.6. Do I need to be able to speak Korean? No, you will not have to speak or understand any Korean to get plastic surgery in Korea. For clinic visits and doctor consultations, Docfinderkorea managers will help you translate, or clinics will have their interpreters as well.7. Can I travel by myself to get plastic surgery in Korea? Yes, you can travel alone for plastic surgery in Korea. Many patients travel to Korea alone. Having support or assistance during the recovery process would be great, but not everyone has the time to come to Korea. No need to worry! Docfinderkorea managers will be there to give emotional support and advice to all patients. We will be your friends and family in South Korea.8. What is the payment method for plastic surgery in Korea? Payment methods for plastic surgery in Korea are either cash or credit card. There will be no credit card charges from the clinic. Debit cards are not accepted as payment at the clinics. It is important to note that the surgery will be postponed if the surgery fee cannot be settled in full before the surgery. If you plan to use a credit card for payment, double-check your credit card overseas limit with the card issuing bank before coming to Korea.If you are planning on getting a free consultation, there may be an additional fee for in-office tests such as X-rays, CT, ultrasound, blood test, EKG, etc.9. How long do I have to stay in Korea? The duration of your stay in Korea will depend on the type of procedure(s) you undergo and your healing process. Typically, patients are advised to stay for at least a few days to a couple of weeks post-surgery. Docfinderkorea can help coordinate your travel plans and accommodations accordingly.10. Do I need to get health checkups before coming to Korea? Pre-operative health checkups may be required by some clinics to ensure you are fit for surgery. Docfinderkorea can guide the necessary pre-operative preparations and assist in arranging any required health checkups. However, it is important to note your health conditions before coming to Korea. If you want to plan safe surgery without schedule disruption, we recommend you undergo pre-examination in your home country. You should also take care of your health before surgery by avoiding excessive drinking.11. How safe is plastic surgery in Korea? Plastic surgery in Korea is generally safe, especially when performed by qualified and experienced surgeons in accredited facilities. Docfinderkorea works with reputable clinics and surgeons to ensure patient safety and satisfaction.12. Can my procedures be covered by insurance? Cosmetic procedures are typically not covered by insurance unless they are deemed medically necessary. It is advised to check with your insurance provider for specific coverage details.13. Do I need a visa or any documents for plastic surgery in Korea? Depending on your nationality and the duration of your stay, you may need a visa to enter Korea. Here is a link to the countries that require visas to enter South Korea: Are accommodations free? No, Docfinderkorea does not provide free accommodation; however, we assist our patients with booking hotels and recommend ones that are nearby clinics. And depending on the surgeries, some clinics provide free accommodations!15. How do I choose the right doctor for me? Choosing your doctor and clinic can be one of the hardest steps for anyone getting plastic surgery. There are over 600 plastic surgery clinics in Seoul, and each has different qualities and prices. This is why many patients opt for the services of medical tourism agencies. At Docfinderkorea, we only recommend patients to board-certified specialists with the most experience. We endlessly check our partner medical institution’s safety standards and customer satisfaction, to best achieve our patient’s goals in a safe and clean surgery environment. Contact us today for a free consultation! 


Orthodontic Treatment Trends in Korean Dentistry

Orthodontic Treatment Trends in Korean DentistryIn Korea, making a favorable impression is paramount, and it's not uncommon to witness individuals undergoing orthodontic treatments to perfect their smiles and attain stunning teeth. Even after achieving fame, many Korean celebrities or idols continue to pursue orthodontic treatments to uphold their captivating smiles. Unlocking a Little Public Secret: Top 3 Korean Idols Who Sparked Trends with Orthodontic Treatment Red Velvet – Joy: Joy garnered attention for her orthodontic journey, particularly with a legendary photo of her in a red dress, gently touching her teeth at the Hong Kong Mama Award Ceremony. During an appearance on Jae Jae's Show, she candidly shared about her orthodontic experience, specifically mentioning her use of inner tongue braces during the 2017 Hong Kong MAMA Awards. Today, Joy is renowned for her endearing smile.ITZY – Yuna: Yuna, noted for her radiant smile, became a standout member of ITZY due to her charming looks. Viewers caught a glimpse of her wearing ceramic braces during her appearance on Stray Kids' Program. Yuna is now celebrated as the most heartwarming female idol with a captivating toothy grin.IVE - Jang Won Young: Before her debut, Jang Won Young's adorable bunny teeth garnered praise. However, post-debut, she underwent orthodontic treatment, resulting in a more feminine appearance. Fans frequently share photos of her enchanting smile across various online platforms.However, for adults or professionals, traditional metal braces might not be the most ideal choice due to their visibility and long treatment duration. Can you imagine sporting metal braces for three years and the impact on your appearance? This is why many commuters and college students in South Korea opt for Invisalign for orthodontic treatment. Here are some advantages of Invisalign: Advantages of Invisalign: Aesthetics: Invisalign aligners are discreet, making them difficult to detect during wear, allowing you to smile confidently.Comfort: Custom-made for each individual, they offer a comfortable fit, ensuring a pleasant experience throughout the treatment.No dietary restrictions: Unlike traditional braces, you can remove Invisalign aligners while eating, eliminating food restrictions.Easy maintenance: Invisalign aligners can be easily removed for cleaning, reducing the risk of tooth decay and bad breath.Gentle correction: With a tailored treatment plan based on professional evaluation, the correction process is comfortable and minimally invasive.Preview of treatment: Advanced technology allows patients to visualize the treatment outcome before starting.Reduced appointments: Patients can change aligners themselves, minimizing the need for frequent visits to the dentist.Suitable for various age groups: From adolescents to seniors, Invisalign offers a discreet option for orthodontic treatment.Facial changes: In addition to dental correction, Invisalign can address facial asymmetry, resulting in a more harmonious appearance.Disadvantages of Invisalign: Compliance: Users must wear aligners for the recommended duration daily to achieve optimal results.Professional evaluation required: Not all orthodontic conditions may be suitable for Invisalign treatment, necessitating assessment by a dentist.Higher cost: While more expensive than traditional braces, Invisalign offers significant benefits, including shorter treatment times.Storage and staining issues: Aligners can be lost or damaged if not stored properly, and they may stain if not removed while consuming certain foods or beverages.Breakage risk: Habitual teeth grinding may pose a risk of damaging the aligners.Korean orthodontic technology is renowned for its precision, minimal invasiveness, and personalized approach, earning acclaim not only in Asia but worldwide. Korean dental institutions boast advanced equipment, such as digital oral scanners and 3D printing technology, facilitating accurate analysis and treatment planning.Moreover, Korean dentists undergo rigorous training and possess extensive clinical experience, enabling them to devise personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's needs. This emphasis on patient comfort and individualized care distinguishes Korean orthodontics. If you're considering orthodontic treatment, why not explore Invisalign options while visiting Korea? Enhance your beauty while exploring the country. To discover more, click here.


Stem Cell for Knee Pain

For those looking for a promising treatment for arthritis and knee discomfort in Korea, stem cell treatment in Korea presents a viable option. This article will help you learn more about the advantages, possible side effects, and range of stem cell treatment alternatives that might be essential for anyone hoping to enhance joint health and mobility. We will help you to make an educated decision by learning more about this novel treatment to see if it's the best option for your knee-related problems. Osteoarthritis With millions of cases globally, osteoarthritis is among the most prevalent kind of arthritis. It arises from the gradual loss of the cushioning cartilage at the leading edges of the bones. As osteoarthritis may damage any joint, it typically affects the hands, knees, hips, and spine joints.The majority of people with knee osteoarthritis are over 50, and women are more likely than males to get the disorder because of both musculoskeletal and hormonal causes. Nonetheless, there is a growing trend of younger individuals being affected by this condition, which puts them at risk for knee osteoarthritis that develops early. The most prevalent type of arthritis, osteoarthritis (OA), is brought on by age. A persistent condition called osteoarthritis leads to the degeneration of joint cartilage. While the exact origin of osteoarthritis varies from person to person, hormonal, genetic, chemically based, and mechanical variables are known to contribute to the condition's development. Osteoarthritis is characterized by joint discomfort and swelling, restricted movement, and a loss of flexibility. Damage to the cartilage, which typically covers the bones and absorbs stress to allow for smooth movement, is the cause of the disorder. The afflicted joint's cartilage gets worn down and roughened. As the condition worsens, the cartilage totally wears away, causing the bones to rub against one another. Everybody's joints naturally degenerate and then repair over the course of a lifetime, however occasionally the body's healing process might result in structural or morphological abnormalities in our joints. Osteoarthritis is the term for these alterations that occur in one or more of your joints.A joint is a location on one's body in which two or more bones meet; the thigh and leg bones meet in your knee. Additionally, the patella, often known as the kneecap, is a tiny bone located at the front of the knee. Cartilage is the smooth, slick substance that covers the ends of our bones. This relieves pressure on your joints and permits the bones to move against one another without creating friction.Along with cartilage beneath your kneecap, your knee also has two additional rings of a distinct kind of cartilage called menisci or meniscus, which aid in distributing weight uniformly throughout your knee joint.Your knee may feel uncomfortable and stiff, move less smoothly than it should, and have thinner cartilage due to osteoarthritis. In addition, the surfaces of the joint grow rougher. What are the symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee? Knee pain:Patients may have intermittent pain in the knee for more than six months, or they may have pain after engaging in activities that have put stress on the knee, such as long walks, cross-legged sitting, climbing, and descending stairs, hiking, or prolonged car rides, among other activities that may necessitate the knee joint to be bent for an extended amount of time. These activities will only produce discomfort for a short period of time before it goes away in the early stages of the condition; however, the pain will persist considerably longer once the problem reaches a moderate state. Furthermore, even if there is no pressure applied to the knee for a while. For example, while sleeping or resting, that pain will persist. It is even possible that the pain won't go away entirely.Stiffness and freezing in the knee:When patients wake up in the morning, they experience these signs, such as a stiffness in the knee, which can cause it to seize up and make movement difficult for about thirty minutes. Every time one’s knee is rested, the stiffness could come back, giving the impression that the joint is immobile and cannot fully flex or extend.A cracking sound in the knee: When moving the legs or stretching and bending the joint itself, patients will experience a loud sound that seems like a cracking sound from their knees.Sensitivity of any area of the knee when pressed:Any pressure applied to a particular area of the knee can cause pain.Deformities in the knee:A knock-knee or bony protrusion may cause patients to perceive that their knee appears larger than usual.Inflammation:The inner inflammation will itself cause the knee to swell and possibly feel warm to the touch. If this symptom occurs, it indicates that the patient’s illness has progressed to a somewhat severe level. At this stage, the patient should immediately consult a specialist. Knee osteoarthritis Diagnosis Specialists will diagnose the patient’s condition through:Imaging tests- An X-ray is usually utilized to diagnose an enlarged tibial tubercle surrounding the knee as well as to find narrowing in the patient's knee joint spaces, as cartilage loss might be discovered by how narrow the space is between the bones in one joint. Medical specialists would typically use X-ray screening, but to rule out other possible causes, a second Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan might be performed to provide a sharper picture of the bone, tissue, and cartilage structure inside the joint. An MRI is crucial when it comes to severe or complex cases.Laboratory tests- A blood test helps physicians rule out rheumatoid arthritis and other potential causes of the deterioration.- Knee scoring: A physician will use a scoring system as an assessment tool to determine the degree of deterioration. What are the causes of osteoarthritis? Primary osteoarthritis is brought on by the degeneration of cartilage, a pliable substance that reduces joint friction. Though it generally affects the fingers, thumbs, spine, hips, knees, or large toes, it can occur in any joint.Older adults are more likely to get osteoarthritis. Overuse of your joints wears down the cartilage, causing pain and swelling. The proteins in the cartilage degrade and water accumulates within. It can begin to peel or develop microscopic tears. In extreme circumstances, it is possible to lose all of the cartilage separating a joint's bones, which causes the bones to rub against one another and increase discomfort when using the joint.When numerous family members have osteoarthritis, it may indicate that a gene alteration has been passed down from parents to descendants. Seldom do these situations stem from issues with collagen, a strong protein present in your connective tissue.Let’s dig deep inside the causes, generally, a person's risk of having osteoarthritis is increased by a few variables. These consist of: - A genetic abnormality associated with one of the genes that produces cartilage can be inherited by certain people. Joint degradation occurs more quickly as a result of this damaged cartilage. Bone osteoarthritis is more common in people with abnormalities of the joints, and bone osteoarthritis of the spine is more common in people with abnormalities of the spine (scoliosis, curvature of the spine, etc.).- The chance of developing osteoarthritis in the spine, hip, and knee is higher in obese people. Reducing weight or staying at optimal weight can help avoid osteoarthritis in these regions or slow down the disease's course after it has already started.- Osteoarthritis develops as a result of injuries. For instance, athletes who sustain injuries to their knees may be more likely to develop osteoarthritis in their knees. Furthermore, individuals who have experienced serious injuries to their backs may be more susceptible to developing osteoarthritis in their spine. Osteoarthritis is more likely to develop in a joint in those who have had a broken bone close to it.- Osteoarthritis is more likely to occur in joints that are overused regularly. Osteoarthritis of the knee, for instance, is more common in those whose employment includes frequent knee bending.- The risk of developing osteoarthritis is higher in individuals with rheumatoid arthritis, which is the second most common kind of arthritis. Additionally, the likelihood of developing Osteoarthritis is increased by a few uncommon illnesses including iron overload or high growth hormone. Stem Cell The body uses stem cells as its basic building blocks, from which every other cell type with specific roles is derived. In the correct circumstances, stem cells can divide in the body or in a lab to produce other cells known as daughter cells.These daughter cells differentiate into new stem cells or become specialized cells with a more narrowly focused purpose, such as bone, brain, heart, muscle, or blood cells. No other bodily cell possesses the innate capacity to differentiate into new cell types. There are many advantages to using stem cells in medicine, such as:- Tissue Regeneration: diseased or injured tissues, including the skin, liver, and heart, can be restored using stem cells. This could completely change how diseases like liver failure, heart disease, and burn injuries are treated.- Disease Treatment: by restoring damaged tissues or cells, stem cells may additionally be employed to treat illnesses. For instance, they have been used to treat diseases of the neurological system like Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis, as well as diseases of the blood, including leukemia as well as other blood disorders.- Better Understanding of Illness: researchers can better understand the underlying causes of disease and develop novel treatments by using stem cells to examine how diseases arise. Stem Cells for Knee osteoarthritis An increasing number of people are turning to stem cell knee injections as a non-surgical way of treating osteoarthritis and persistent knee pain brought on by tears in the tendon, ligament, or cartilage. Using adult stem cells from the patient's own body or from a donor, this type of regenerative medicine aims to reduce inflammation and maybe speed up healing and regeneration. It is possible to get stem cells via aspirating bone marrow from the hip or by using donor cells that are extracted from amniotic fluid and placental tissue. There is no usage of fetal stem cells. During a first evaluation, the doctor and his specialized orthopedic team will decide if a patient is a good candidate for stem cells. In order to assess the severity of the damage or chronic illness, a diagnostic workup will have to be conducted. Stem cell knee injections are commonly used to treat the following conditions: ligament injuries, osteoarthritis, and cartilage defectsA candidate for stem cells does not have to be a set age, but there are several things to take into account. Adult stem cells from the patient's own body can usually be used to regenerate tissue in patients under 60.When patients reach 60 years of age, when their body's stem cells begin to decrease, they typically have better outcomes when they combine a healing accelerator, such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, with allograft tissue that comes from a different source for regenerated tissue. How do stem Cells for knees work? Several researchers have found that the following could happen if stem cells are injected into an arthritic joint:- Grow into the new cartilage cells required for the joint;- Reduce the inflammation, which exacerbates arthritis, and release cytokines, which are substances that can either lessen pain or slow down cartilage deterioration. Related readings:Stem Cell for Hair LossStem Cell for Anti-Aging FAQ:  What are the side effects of injecting Stem cells into the knees? - Risk of Infection: any injection technique carries a risk of infection. Although this risk is usually minimal, it can be reduced with proper sterilization measures.- Discomfort and swelling at the injection site: following injections, post-procedure discomfort and swelling are frequent reactions.- Allergy reactions: While uncommon, there is a little possibility that an allergic reaction to any of the drugs used during the treatment will occur.- Bleeding and nerve Injury: although rare, injection-based procedures include some risk of bleeding and nerve injury.- Limited efficacy: some studies suggest that in some cases, it may not be as successful as previously thought in terms of enhancing clinical outcomes and repairing cartilage. What are the common symptoms of Knee Osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis symptoms typically appear gradually and include:- Aches and pains in the joints, especially when moving- Soreness from excessive use or extended periods of inactivity- Stiffness following rest intervals- Swollen joints


Double Corrective Jaw Surgery in Korea

Double Corrective Jaw Surgery, also known as two-jaw surgery or orthognathic surgery, is a specialized procedure that addresses issues related to the alignment of the upper and lower jaws. In recent years, South Korea has gained recognition as a leading destination for individuals seeking this transformative surgery. In this article, we delve into the details of double jaw surgery, its corrective purposes, expectations, concerns, preparation, and the recovery process.What is Double Jaw Surgery? Double jaw surgery, or two jaw surgery, involves the surgical repositioning of both the upper and lower jaws to correct misalignments, irregularities, and functional issues. This procedure is often recommended for individuals with severe underbites, overbites, crossbites, or asymmetry in their jaw structure. The goal is to enhance facial aesthetics, improve bite functionality, and address related health concerns.Process of Two-Jaw Surgery Hyper-precise pre-surgery test is performed 1 week before surgeryDuring surgery, the upper jaw is corrected and moved to an ideal positionThe lower jaw is corrected, moved to an ideal position, and aligned with the upper jawThe newly designed upper and lower jaw are securely and firmly fixed with titanium pinsIf necessary, temporary orthodontic elastic bands will be used until further recoveryWhat Does Double Jaw Surgery Correct? Double jaw surgery is designed to correct various jaw-related issues, including:Overbite: When the upper jaw protrudes significantly over the lower jaw.Underbite: When the lower jaw extends beyond the upper jaw.Crossbite: When the upper and lower jaws do not align properly, causing some teeth to overlap others.Facial Asymmetry: Irregularities in the alignment of the facial bones.Two Jaw Surgery Recovery Period The recovery period after double jaw surgery can vary from person to person based on factors such as the specific procedures performed, individual healing rates, and overall health. Generally, the recovery process can be divided into several stages:Immediate Post-operative Period (First Week): At Hospital: Patients typically spend a few days in the hospital after the surgery for close monitoring.Pain Management: Pain and discomfort are managed with prescribed medications.Swelling and Bruising: Swelling and bruising around the face and jaw are common, reaching their peak in the first 48 hours.Diet: Initially, a liquid or soft food diet is recommended to avoid stressing the jaw.First Few Weeks: Follow-Up Appointments: Regular follow-up appointments with the surgical team to monitor progress and address any concerns.Gradual Return to Normal Activities: Patients gradually resume normal daily activities, avoiding strenuous exercise and activities that could impact the jaw.Swelling Reduction: Swelling begins to subside, but some residual swelling may persist for several weeks.Weeks 2-6: Soft Diet Continuation: While some patients may transition to a soft-solid diet, others may still prefer liquid or pureed foods.Speech and Mobility Improvement: Patients may experience improvements in speech and jaw mobility.Orthodontic Adjustments: If braces were used as part of the treatment, orthodontic adjustments may be made during this period.Weeks 6-12: Orthodontic Adjustments: Ongoing orthodontic adjustments to fine-tune the bite and alignment.Residual Swelling Reduction: Continued reduction in facial swelling, though complete resolution may take several months.Return to Regular Diet: Most patients can gradually return to a regular diet, depending on individual healing.Months 3-6: Final Orthodontic Adjustments: Final orthodontic adjustments to complete the alignment process.Residual Effects: Some residual effects like numbness or stiffness may persist but usually improve over time.Normal Activities: Patients can generally resume normal activities, including more vigorous exercise.Long-Term Recovery (6 Months Onward): Final Results: Facial appearance and jaw function continue to improve, and the final results become more apparent.Follow-Up Appointments: Periodic follow-up appointments to monitor long-term outcomes.Orthodontic Care: Ongoing orthodontic care may be required for some time to maintain the results.It's important to note that individual experiences may vary, and the above timeline is a general guideline. Strict adherence to post-operative care instructions and regular follow-ups with the surgical and orthodontic teams are crucial for a successful recovery after two jaw surgery.Corrective Jaw Surgery Post-Operative Care and Precautions Post-operative care and precautions are crucial aspects of the recovery process after two-jaw surgery. Adhering to a well-structured care plan helps minimize complications, ensures optimal healing, and enhances the overall success of the procedure. Here are key considerations for post-operative care and precautions following two-jaw surgery:Pain Management: Follow the prescribed pain medication schedule to manage discomfort effectively. Use ice packs, for the initial three days after the surgery, to alleviate swelling and reduce pain. Apply them as directed by the surgeon.Dietary Guidelines: Initially, maintain a liquid or soft food diet to avoid stressing the jaw. Progress to more solid foods gradually as advised by the surgeon.Stay hydrated but avoid using straws, as they can exert pressure on the healing jaw.Oral Hygiene: Gently rinse your mouth with a prescribed mouthwash or saline solution after meals to keep the surgical sites clean. Follow the recommended oral hygiene routine provided by the surgeon.Rest and Recovery: Ensure adequate rest during the initial days post-surgery to facilitate healing. Avoid strenuous physical activities and exercises that may strain the jaw or facial muscles.Orthodontic Adjustments: If orthodontic appliances, such as braces, are part of the treatment plan, follow the orthodontist's instructions for adjustments. Attend scheduled orthodontic appointments to fine-tune the bite alignment.Avoiding Certain Habits: Refrain from smoking and limit alcohol consumption, as these habits can impede the healing process. Avoid excessive mouth movements, such as wide yawning or chewing gum, to prevent unnecessary stress on the jaw.Swelling Management: Continue using ice packs during the initial 3 days to manage swelling. Keep the head elevated, especially during sleep, to minimize swelling around the facial area.Follow-Up Appointments: Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with both the surgeon and orthodontist. Discuss any concerns or changes in symptoms during these appointments.Medication Compliance: Take prescribed medications, including antibiotics, as directed by the healthcare provider. Inform the medical team of any allergies or adverse reactions to medications.Facial Care: Be gentle when cleaning the face and avoid pressure on the surgical sites.Gradual Resumption of Activities: Gradually reintroduce regular activities based on the surgeon's recommendations. Be mindful of limitations and avoid pushing the recovery pace.Emotional Well-being: Understand that the recovery process may involve emotional adjustments. Seek support from friends, family, or mental health professionals if needed.Following these post-operative care and precautionary measures diligently contributes significantly to a successful recovery after two-jaw surgery. Each patient's experience is unique, so it's crucial to tailor these guidelines to individual circumstances and consult with the clinic or Docfinderkorea regularly for personalized advice and support.Double corrective jaw surgery in Korea offers individuals a chance to address both functional and aesthetic concerns, often leading to life-changing results. With careful preparation, expert surgical care, and diligent post-operative follow-up, patients can achieve a harmonious facial profile and improved oral function, ultimately enhancing their quality of life.Learn more about two jaw surgery in Korea!
