Where can I withdraw money?

You can withdraw money from the GLOBAL ATM located inside banks such as Hana Bank, KB Bank, Woori Bank, IBK Bank, and Shinhan Bank.

Will anybody meet me at the airport?

Every patient who has booked surgery or is using Docfinderkorea's transportation service will have a driver waiting for them at the airport.

Where can I receive my tax refund?

The tax refund for surgery can only be received at the airport before your departure. Please ensure you have your passport and tax refund receipt ready. Be careful not to lose your tax refund receipt, as you can only receive it once.

How much is tax refund?

Every patient can receive approximately 7-8% of their surgery fee back as a tax refund.

What happen after I wake up from sleeping sedation?

Korean clinics often use light sedation anesthesia, which usually results in minimal side effects. You may experience shivers, feel cold, and have a headache, with nausea occurring in rare cases. After resting for an hour, patients are usually ready to be discharged from the clinic and can return to their hotel.

What happen after I wake up from general anesthesia?

You may experience feelings of sleepiness, nausea, headaches, throat pain, or feeling too cold. However, all these symptoms will subside once the anesthesia wears off. You might also feel quite thirsty, but you will not be permitted to drink water for another three hours after the surgery. To facilitate a quicker recovery from anesthesia, patients are encouraged to take slow, deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth. Coughing can also aid in recovery. Please keep in mind that you will have an empty stomach due to fasting prior to the surgery, so even if you feel the urge to vomit, try to focus on your breathing.

What type of anesthesia is used in the clinics?

Depending on the type of plastic surgery, our clinics use both general anesthesia and sedation anesthesia. In either case, the patient will be asleep and will not feel anything during the procedure. The key difference is that general anesthesia is used for bone surgeries, requiring the patient to be in a deeper sleep for safety reasons. Additionally, general anesthesia necessitates longer fasting periods before and after the procedure. Regardless of the type of anesthesia used, the anesthesiologist will monitor you throughout the entire process.

When can I go back to gym?

After any plastic surgery, doctors usually recommend waiting at least 1 month before returning to the gym. However ligth walking is recommended to start in the first week after the surgery to speed up the post op recovery process

When can I go back to normal daily activities after the surgery?

Depending on the type of plastic surgery, you can usually return to normal daily activities within 1-2 days, including light walks, shopping, and sightseeing.

Can i get Sim Card upon arival?

You can get prepaid Sim card upon arrival in Korea at Incheon Airport in Terminal 1, Level 1 Arrival Hall at Gates F and A, and in Terminal 2, Level 1 Arrival Hall at Gates 6-7 and 4-5.

Where can I rent pocket Wi-Fi?

You can rent pocket Wi-Fi upon arrival in Kore at Incheon Airport in Terminal 1, Level 1 Arrival Hall at Gates F and A, and in Terminal 2, Level 1 Arrival Hall at Gates 6-7 and 4-5. The devices can be returned at the airport before your departure.

How do I take a bus or subway?

You should use a transportation card, which can be purchased with cash at any convenience store and recharged at convenience stores or subway stations. For easier navigation, we recommend using Naver Map, Kakao Map, and Seoul Subway apps, which will show the shortest route and the cost of your trip. Transfers between buses and subways are free within 30 minutes.

What map apps should I use for navigating in Korea?

Please note that Google Maps doesn’t function fully in South Korea. For a more comfortable stay, we recommend using Naver Maps or Kakao Maps.

Can I go to Korea alone? I have no friend and family in Korea

There’s no issue with traveling to Korea alone for plastic surgery. Our managers will accompany you to every clinic appointment and assist with any concerns during your stay. We provide not only all the necessary information about your procedures but also emotional support throughout your journey!

How do you ensure I dont get a ghost doctor?

All our partner clinics have CCTV isntalled in the surgery room. Please note that CCTV footage can be reviewed only on prior request before the surgery

Any CCTV in surgery room?

All our clinics have CCTV installed in surgery rooms.

What hotel I'd better to stay during my trip?

When you are planning your trip to Korea for plastic surgery please consider hotels that are located in Gangnam area as all clinics are located here. You may have hard time to move back to hotel after surgery if it is too far from Gangnam. We do not recommend staying in the Myeongdong or Hongdae areas as they are too far away.

Can I have surgery if I have HIV?

No, patients with any type of HIV are not eligible for plastic surgery in Korea.

Can I have plastic surgery if I have diabetes?

Yes, patients with diabetes can have plastic surgery; however, please notify us before you go to Korea so we can check with the doctor to ensure it’s safe to proceed with the surgery in your particular case.

Can I have surgery if I have hypertension?

Yes, patients with hypertension can undergo plastic surgery. Please bring your medication with you and take your prescribed pill before the surgery. Be sure to inform us and the clinic's medical staff about your health issues prior to the procedure, and they will provide more detailed instructions on how to prepare.

Can I wash my face after face surgery?

Please avoid washing your face until the stitches are removed. If you accidentally get your stitches wet, disinfect them with hydrogen peroxide or clean them with the saline solution prescribed after the surgery, and apply ointment.

When can I take shower after the surgery?

Patients can take a shower 2-3 days after surgery. If the patient has any stitches on the body, they should be covered with waterproof tape, dried, cleaned, and dressed after the shower. The shower shouldn't exceed 5 minutes.

How can I wash my hair after the surgery?

Depending on the surgery, patients are usually allowed to wash their hair 2-3 days after the procedure. For facelift surgeries, some clinics offer a shampoo service. If you have difficulty washing your hair, let us know, and we can take you to a hair salon. The hair wash service costs around 20,000 KRW.

What should I avoid eating after the surgery?

After the surgery, you should avoid salty, spicy, and greasy foods like instant noodles or fast food, and try to eat healthy meals, though there are no strict food restrictions.

Patients who had surgery on facial bones should follow a soft food diet for two weeks after the surgery. During the first week, they should consume only juices, protein shakes, eggs, tofu, and any food that requires no chewing. In the second week, they can start eating soft foods like risotto or pasta without meat.

How do I know if I am okay? What are the signs of infection?

If you experience significant swelling, pain, redness, or heat in the surgical area, please contact us. Our manager will arrange a doctor’s appointment.

How long will I be hospitalized after the surgery?

Nose, Eyes, forehead lift, liposuction etc usually do not require hospitalization. Patient will be descharged and taken to a hotel by our manager after resting in surgery recovery room for 1-2 hours.
After Facelift and Facial contouring surgeries like Cheekbone reduction, Genioplasty, Angular Jaw reduction patient will spend 1 night at the hospital, after Two Jaw surgery patinet will spend 1-2 night in the hospital.

What activity can I do after the surgery?

Patients are recommended to take light walks starting from the first day after surgery, as this will help reduce swelling. We do not recommend spending the entire recovery period inside the hotel room. Being active during the day supports recovery. Patients may participate in any touristic activities, except for amusement parks, hiking, and sports.

How can I pay for surgery? What currency should I bring with me?

Patients may experience increased swelling for 3-4 days after the surgery, which is very normal. However, if you feel that your swelling is excessive, please contact your case manager.

What should I do if I have ubnormal swelling?

Patient experience swelling grow for 3-4 days after the surgery so it's very normal, however if you feel like your swelling is too big please contact your case manager.

What should I do if my surgical area is bleeding?

Patients may experience light bleeding for 2-3 days after the surgery. Most of the time, it's not fresh bleeding, just some accumulated fluids coming out, so you shouldn't worry too much about it. However, if the bleeding continues, please inform your case manager, and we will arrange for a doctor's check-up.

What should I do in emergency situation?

For any emergency situation please call your case manager in WhatsAPP
Here are emergency phone numbers in Korea:
1130 - foreign travelers hotline
1339 - medical emergency
112 - police
119 - fire and ambulance

How long should I stay in Korea for surgery?

For eye and nose plastic surgery, you need to stay in Korea for a full week. For other surgeries, you usually need to stay for 14 days to have all stitches removed and receive all necessary treatments. Please ask your assigned case manager how long you should stay for your particular surgery plan.

How many checkups do I have after the surgery?

If you have a simple surgery like double eyelid surgery, you will only need one checkup on the day of stitch removal. For other surgeries, it's usually 2-4 checkups.

Is there any way to reduce swelling faster after the surgery?

Apply an ice pack 3-4 times a day, walk for at least 15 minutes, and maintain an upright body position during the day to help reduce swelling faster. You can also purchase traditional Korean medicine for swelling at the pharmacy next to the clinic. It works well after surgery, but it's not required.

What should I bring with me to Korea?

1. Travel adapter for your electronic devices. Korea operates on 220V with plug type F.
2. Cash and credit card. The safest currencies to bring are USD or KRW.
3. Hat and sunblock to protect your face from the sun after surgery.
4. Comfortable zip-up or button-up clothing and shoes that are easy to put on. Bring an extra pair of loose underwear if you're having liposuction.

What should I prepare before surgery?

If you don't fast before surgery, your procedure may be delayed or cancelled.

What happens if I don't fast before surgery?

If you don't fast before surgery, your surgery will be delayed or cancelled.

Can I drink water before surgery?

Water is also not allowed before surgery.

How many hours should I fast before surgery?

You must fast for 8 hours before surgery. This means you are not allowed to eat, drink water, or consume candy or gum. If the clinic requires you to take medication before surgery, you should take it with only a small sip of water.

What is Thread lift?

A thread lift is a procedure performed without incisions, using only special lifting threads.

What is mini lift?

A mini lift is a type of SMAS lift that uses minimal incisions and is sometimes combined with a lifting threads

Will sensation be lost after a facelift?

You will lose sensation in the surgical area, but it usually returns within 2-3 months

What are facelift post-surgery precautions?

After the surgery, it’s important to wear the special facial bandage provided by the hospital. Patients should be cautious when moving their head, suden quick movements can cause bleeding. Additionally, spicy and salty foods can increase swelling, so it’s best to avoid them for the first two weeks after the surgery.

What surgeries can be performed together with Two Jaw surgery?

Eye plastic surgery and facial contouring can be performed alongside Two-Jaw surgery. However, rhinoplasty and any procedures that cause significant swelling in the lower face should not be done at the same time. Additionally, surgeries like breast augmentation are not recommended together with Two-Jaw surgery due to potential discomfort and breathing difficulties.

What is the difference between epicanthoplasty and lateral canthoplasty?

Epicanthoplasty enhances the upper part of the eyes by removing the epicanthic folds, also known as Mongolian folds. This procedure makes the eyes appear more open.
Lateral canthoplasty extends the outer corners of the eyes, making them look longer and larger.

Will the eyes look awkward after ptosis correction?

The main goal of ptosis correction surgery is to improve the ability to open the eyes and make them appear larger. Doctors carefully measure how much of the pupils will be visible to ensure the eyes don't look overly wide or surprised after the surgery

Is it possible to get a high double eyelid crease with small eyes and thick skin?

If a patient has thick skin, creating a high double eyelid crease may result in eyes that appear too puffy or sleepy.

What should be done if a breast implant ruptures?

Today, even if an implant ruptures, it usually stays in shape and doesn’t harm the body. It’s important to get regular breast exams. If an implant does rupture, replacing it is a simple procedure that’s not very painful.

Will the breast implant look unnatural when lying down?

Thanks to advanced technology, implants now look very natural in any position, provided there is no contracture.

Will it be possible to breastfeed after breast augmentation?

Breastfeeding after surgery is possible. However, with the over-the-muscle method, breast milk may sometimes travel to the implant area, potentially causing side effects. In contrast, the under-the-muscle method, which is commonly used in Korea, does not interfere with breastfeeding.

Can breast augmentation be done without a lift if the breasts are sagging?

If breasts sag due to volume loss, breast implants can help. If sagging is caused by loose skin, a consultation with a doctor is necessary to assess the severity of the sagging and determine if a breast lift is needed along with breast augmentation.

Will the weight loss affect the fat graft surgery result?

If a person loses weight, the fat graft results may be less effective. It’s better to maintain or even gain weight after surgery for better fat cells survival rate.

How much volume will remain after fat graft surgery?

If a person is young and healthy, about 60-70% of fat cells usually survive. For older individuals or those with worse health conditions, around 50% of fat cells may survive. In such cases, doctors may use PRP (platelet-rich plasma) to improve fat cell survival rates.

What is the difference between fillers and fat graft?

Fillers, made of hyaluronic acid, dissolve in 1 to 2 years and require maintenance. Fat grafting, using your own fat cells, is generally safer but may result in some volume loss as fat cells are absorbed, though the remaining volume usually lasts longer.

Will the face look bigger after fat graft?

No, the face will not look bigger because the surgeon injects fat to add volume to flat and hollow areas, creating a more even and balanced appearance. By injecting fat into the right places, the doctor creates a more three-dimensional appearance, making the face look smaller rather than bigger.

Is recovery longer after revision rhinoplasty?

It's not always the case, but if a patient had hard scar tissue inside before revision surgery, they tend to experience more swelling afterward, and it can take 2 weeks longer for the swelling to subside.

When can I undergo revision rhinoplasty?

In most cases, it's better to wait 6 months after surgery until the surgical wound is fully healed.

How many times can I have revision rhinoplasty?

There is no exact limit to the number of possible revision surgeries. More important than the number of surgeries is the condition of the internal nose structure and cartilage. If the tissues are very scarred or there is a lack of cartilage, revision surgery may be difficult to perform.

What is important to know before revision rhinoplasty?

If you are not satisfied with the results of the primary rhinoplasty, it’s important to clearly understand what you don’t like and how it can be corrected. It’s essential to consult with your doctor to determine whether the revision surgery will achieve a satisfactory outcome.

Is there any scar after rhinoplasty?

You may have a small 'W'-shaped scar on the columella, which usually becomes less noticeable over time. In the case of alar reduction, since the stitches are placed in the alar fold (nosewing), the scars will look natural and be almost invisible after 6 months.

When can I start to blow my nose after rhinoplasty?

It is important not to blow your nose during the recovery period, which usually lasts about 3-4 weeks.

Can rhinoplasty be done on an underage patient?

Yes, it is possible to get rhinoplasty once the facial bones have stopped developing, typically around the age of 16-17, with the presence or signed permission of an official guardian.

When can a patient return to normal daily activities after the facelift surgery?

If the patient isn't very bruised or swollen, they can return to daily activities three days after the surgery. However, they should avoid activities that may increase blood pressure, such as lifting heavy objects, as these can cause bleeding and worsen bruising.

How long will the results of a facelift last after surgery?

The surgery will make a patinet look about 10 years younger. They will naturally continue to age over time, but they will still look younger than their actual age.

Will the scar be visible after a face and neck lift?

The incision is usually placed in areas that are not very visible and heal well. The only place where a scar may remain is behind the ears.

When is the final surgery result?

Significant swelling and bruising will usually subside during the first month. In about three months, the patient can see some results and most sensations will return. The final result can be seen in 6 months to 1 year, depending on the individual's recovery speed.

Are Docfinderkorea services FREE?

Docfinderkorea is a medical tourism company accredited by the Korean government. Our services are free because we work on a commission basis with the clinics. The commission does not affect the price we offer as they have fixed pricelists. Therefore, whether you come through Docfinderkorea or come to clinic yourself, the price of the surgery will be the same. You may confirm this by contacting them and comparing the quotes. However, the clinics will offer better discounts if you come through our service.

Can I bring a friend or loved one with me?

It is your decision if you would like someone to accompany you during this surgery holiday. Docfinderkorea will not charge you extra for accommodation or in-country transport, given they are staying in your room.

How is the quality of hospitals?

Our partner clinics hold high standards and the quality of care is outstanding. Clinics use the latest and most advanced equipment, and the surgeons are experienced for over 10 years. Docfinderkorea only selects hospitals that have been accredited by Ministry of health and welfare, ensuring high quality care.