

Arm Lift and Thigh Lift Surgery in Korea

In recent years, South Korea has emerged as a global hub for cosmetic and plastic surgery, attracting individuals from around the world seeking advanced procedures and exceptional results. Brachioplasty (arm lift surgery) and thighplasty (thigh lift surgery) have become increasingly popular among those desiring a sculpted and toned appearance. This article explores the nuances of brachioplasty and thighplasty in Korea, highlighting the expertise of Korean plastic surgeons and the integral role played by Docfinderkorea, a leading medical tourism agency, in facilitating a seamless experience for international patients. Brachioplasty (Arm Lift Surgery) With age comes a loss in skin elasticity and a slower metabolism. Even when our bodies feel fit and healthy, loose and saggy skin can remain. This is especially prominent in the arms and legs. Many people have a hard time getting rid of their flabby arms, which is why Brachioplasty, or arm lift surgery, is considered. What is Arm Lift Surgery? Arm lift surgery, or Brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to address sagging skin and excess fat in the upper arms. Individuals who have experienced significant weight loss or aging-related skin laxity often seek brachioplasty to achieve firmer and more youthful-looking arms. The surgery involves the removal of excess skin and fat, reshaping the underlying tissues to create a more aesthetically pleasing contour. Arm Lift Surgery Procedure Arm lift surgery is a procedure where they remove sections of sagging skin from the inner arm, from the armpit to the elbow. Surgeons will tighten the loose muscles and tissues. Typically, the incision will extend from the top of the elbow to the armpits.Benefits: -Removes loose skin from your arms-Removed stubborn fat from your arms-Tightens loose arm muscles and tissues Image SourceRecovery after Arm Lift in Korea Arm lift surgery is considered quite a major surgery, but hospitalization is not required. Moreover, you can return to your country quickly because stitches removal is usually 7 days after the surgery. Patients should stay in Korea during those 7 days because the surgeon may insert a temporary drainage tube in the arms to drain any blood or fluid that builds up after surgery. First 24 Hours: Post-operatively, the treated area may exhibit bruising, swelling, and a sensation of tightness in the arms, which typically diminishes over the next 2 to 5 weeks. Compression Garment: Following the arm lift, patients are required to wear a compression garment around the upper arms for 4 to 8 weeks, as advised by the surgeon. This garment aids in reducing swelling, contributing to improved results. Bathing and Showering: To facilitate healing, patients must keep incisions clean and dry. Surgeons will advise when to resume showering and bathing. When showering resumes, incisions should be washed gently with soap and water. Self-Care: Adhering to aftercare instructions is vital, including wearing the compression garment, caring for drains if applicable, and taking prescribed medications. Light walking is encouraged to prevent blood clots, and when resting, lying on the back with arms slightly elevated helps reduce swelling. Preventing Swelling and Promoting Healing: Patients are advised to avoid scratching the stitches area, sun exposure on scars for at least 12 months (applying sunscreen when exposed), smoking for six weeks to 3 months pre and post-op, applying warm and cold compresses, and engaging in activities that may increase swelling. Scar Care: Surgeons may recommend scar massage and using silicone sheets, gels, or creams to reduce scar appearance. Avoiding direct sunlight and sunbeds is crucial to prevent damage and darkening of scars. Returning to Work: The duration for returning to work varies based on the nature of the job. Office jobs may require 1 to 3 weeks off, while physically demanding roles may necessitate 3 to 4 weeks. Resumption of the daily routine is generally feasible after two weeks, avoiding rigorous activities. Returning to Exercise and Sport: In the initial two weeks post-surgery, patients should refrain from exercise or sports. From weeks 2 to 6, gradual reintegration of less vigorous activities is allowed, and after six weeks, all types of sports and exercises can be resumed. When to Seek Urgent Help: Patients should seek urgent assistance if they experience increased swelling, bleeding, persistent redness or pain, discharge, signs of blood clots, or side effects from pain relief medication. Final Results: The full results of the arm lift may take time to become evident. Bruising and swelling may persist for the first 2 to 3 weeks, with the complete results visible 6 to 8 weeks post-procedure. Complete settling may take 6 to 9 months. Adhering to personalized aftercare instructions ensures optimal results. Thighplasty (Thigh Lift Surgery) A thighplasty, also known as a thigh lift, aims to tighten and improve the appearance of the thighs. Similar to brachioplasty, with extreme weight loss, pregnancy, and aging, it can cause some people to have excess saggy skin or dimples on their thighs.What is Thigh Lift Surgery? Thigh lift surgery will lift and contour the thighs so that they look slimmer and proportionate to the rest of the body. It is important to note that thigh lift surgery is not a means to lose weight. It is a procedure for those close to their ideal weight but unsatisfied with the saggy appearance caused by excess skin.There are several types of thighplasty:Inner thigh lift: targets the skin in the lower portion of the inner thighsMedial thigh lift: targets the skin and fat on the upper part of the inner thighsBilateral thigh lift: targets the skin on the front and outside of the thigh Image Source Thigh Lift Surgery Procedure The thigh lift procedure is performed under general anesthesia. The most common thighplasty technique starts with an incision in the groin area. During the procedure, excess skin and fat are removed. The underlying tissues are reshaped and tightened. After, the remaining skin is lifted and then smoothened, with the surgeon suturing up the incision site. Depending on the concerned area of the patient, the stitches will be different for each patient.Recovery after Thigh Lift in Korea Post-operative Appointment: Patients might spend one to two nights in the hospital after the thigh lift, with a follow-up appointment scheduled approximately one to two weeks later. During this appointment, the surgeon or post-op nurse will remove stitches, assess thigh healing, and discuss potential risks. Specific aftercare instructions for the thigh lift, including returning to work, resuming physical activity, and scar care, will be provided. Returning to Work: The duration of time off work varies based on the nature of the patient's profession. Desk jobs may require 1 to 3 weeks off, while more physically demanding roles may necessitate up to 4 weeks. Patients, regardless of their occupation, should avoid heavy lifting for the first few weeks and can generally resume their routine after around one week, avoiding strenuous activities. Return to Sports and Exercise: Patients need to take a break from sports and exercise post-thigh lift, engaging in minimal activity during the first 4 weeks. After this period, they can gradually resume non-strenuous sports activities, avoiding activities like cycling or running until at least 6 weeks. Full resumption of all forms of exercise is typically permitted after 6 weeks. Compression Garment: Surgeons may recommend wearing a compression garment for a specified duration to reduce swelling and bruising. Following the surgeon's instructions on how to wear the garment is crucial for optimal results. Scar Care: Patients must follow the surgeon's advice on scar care, which may include techniques like scar massage, applying silicone sheets, and protecting scars from sun exposure for at least 6 months. Bathing and Showering: To promote healing, incisions should be kept clean and dry. Patients should follow the surgeon's guidance on when they can resume bathing and showering. When showering resumes, incisions should be washed gently with soap and water. Final Results: The full results of the thigh lift may take time. Bruising and swelling may persist for at least two weeks, with the thighs healing over 6 to 8 weeks. While some patients may experience prolonged swelling, the final, permanent results are typically visible after 6 to 8 weeks, and scar maturation may take up to 2 years. Maintaining a stable weight through regular exercise and a healthy diet can help preserve the effects of the thigh lift. Conclusion Arm lift and thigh lift surgeries in Korea have become synonymous with excellence, thanks to the expertise of Korean plastic surgeons and the advanced medical facilities available in the country. The rise of medical tourism has further amplified the appeal of undergoing these procedures in Korea, with Docfinderkorea playing a crucial role in facilitating a smooth and enjoyable experience for international patients. Contact us here to find out more about arm lift or thigh lift surgeries.

Everything You Need to Know About Upper Blepharoplasty in Korea

 Upper Blepharoplasty in Korea South Korea is known for many things including plastic surgery. Among the hundreds of different procedures, the shaping of the eyelid is one of Korea’s specialties. Upper blepharoplasty is an eyelid procedure that aims to improve the sagging skin of the upper eyelids. In eyelid surgery, there are a variety of procedures. This article will focus on upper blepharoplasty in Korea including the surgical techniques involved, after-surgery precautions and care, and the potential benefits and risks. Understanding Upper Blepharoplasty Many people often confuse upper blepharoplasty and double eyelid surgery. While both procedures focus on the upper eyelids, and you may get double eyelids after blepharoplasty, these two procedures have different goals. Upper blepharoplasty aims to correct the sagging eyelid skin that has begun to droop due to age. This drooping and sagginess can cause people to have clouded vision due to the skin and muscle dropping and those who use their forehead or eyebrow muscles to open their eyes. Upper blepharoplasty is recommended for those who have saggy upper eyelid skin or sagging eye corners. It is not recommended for those whose eyes and eyebrows are too close together. On the other hand, incisional double eyelid surgery is the removal of excess skin and fat to redefine the upper eyelid crease. The eyelid fold is the main focus of double eyelid surgery. Upper Blepharoplasty Surgery Procedure The duration of lower blepharoplasty is usually between 45 minutes to an hour. Depending on the patient, the procedure can be done together with other eyelid procedures. So, how is the procedure done?The surgeon will visually explain how they will do the procedure and the possible results depending on the shape of the upper eyelid and the amount of sagginess or excess skin you have.The doctor will then draw a line on your upper eyelids, which will serve as a guide throughout the procedure.Then, the doctor will make an incision and remove excess fats and skin.After the excess fat and skin is removed, the surgeon will stitch up the incisions. Benefits of Upper Blepharoplasty Upper blepharoplasty is a cosmetic procedure designed to address saggy and droopy skin on the upper eyelids. Here are some potential benefits of upper blepharoplasty:Improved Appearance: The primary goal of upper blepharoplasty is to enhance the aesthetic appearance of the eyes by removing excess skin and fat, which can make the eyes more youthful and alert.Correction of sagging and drooping: The procedure effectively corrects sagging and drooping of the upper eyelids, which can be caused by aging, genetics, or other factors.Wider field of vision: in cases where excess eyelid skin obstructs the visual field, upper blepharoplasty can help improve peripheral vision and overall visibility.Minimization of fine lines and wrinkles: the removal of excess skin can help minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the upper eyelids, contributing to a smoother and more youthful appearance.Long-lasting results: while the aging process continues, the results of upper blepharoplasty are generally long-lasting, providing enduring improvement to the appearance of the eyes.Minimal downtime: compared to more extensive facial surgeries, upper blepharoplasty typically involves a shorter recovery period, allowing patients to resume their normal activities relatively quickly.It is important to note that individual experiences may vary, and the decision to undergo upper blepharoplasty should be made after thorough consultation with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon. They can assess your specific needs and provide personalized recommendations based on your facial anatomy and desired outcomes. Risks and Considerations After Upper Blepharoplasty Overcorrection or Undercorrection: the surgeon may overcorrect or undercorrect the amount of tissues removed, leading to suboptimal aesthetic results. Additional procedures may be required to address this.Swelling and Bruising: bruising and swelling are common after surgery and vary among individuals. While they are temporary, the duration can be longer for some patients.Dry Eyes: Temporary or, in rare cases, prolonged dry eyes may occur as a result of disruption to tear production during surgery.Asymmetry: Achieving perfect symmetry is nearly impossible for any procedure because our faces, in general, are not symmetrical. Therefore, there may be slight differences between the two eyes in terms of shape, size, or positioning.Scarring: Although efforts are made to place incisions in natural creases to minimize visible scarring, scarring is an inherent risk of any surgery. Individuals who are prone to develop hypertrophic or keloid scars are at a higher risk.Individuals should have a thorough consultation with a certified and experienced plastic surgeon before deciding on upper blepharoplasty. The surgeon can assess the individual's health, discuss potential risks, and provide realistic expectations for the outcome of the procedure.Upper Blepharoplasty Recovery After upper blepharoplasty surgery, you may have swelling, bruising, and tightness in your upper eyelids and the surrounding areas. Before being discharged from the clinic, you will get prescribed oral pain medication and antibiotics. You will be taught how to properly administer your eyedrops and apply the ointments. The most important instructions to follow are those given to you by your doctor.Here are some precautions you should follow:Clean and disinfect your incisions based on your doctor's instructionsAvoid strenuous exercises and activities while your eyelids are healingAvoid any saunas or excess humiditySleep with your head elevatedAvoid bending forward or putting any pressure on your face for one month after the surgeryWhile there are no food restrictions, try to avoid salty or spicy food, as it will not help with the swellingProtect your eyelids from the sun by using sunglasses or sunscreenEat a healthy, well-balanced diet while you are healingTry to walk around as it will help with the swellingUpper Blepharoplasty Before and After Before undergoing upper blepharoplasty, individuals often experience sagging and drooping of the skin on their upper eyelids, which can contribute to a tired or aged appearance. The excess skin may obstruct the natural contours of the eyes and, in some cases, affect peripheral vision.Check out more before and after pictures here.After upper blepharoplasty, patients typically notice a significant improvement in the appearance of their eyes. The eyes appear more alert, youthful, and refreshed, with a reduction in sagging skin and puffiness. The procedure not only enhances aesthetic harmony but may also contribute to improved vision. While there is a brief recovery period, the long-term results are often satisfying, providing increased self-confidence and a more vibrant overall look. If you are considering upper blepharoplasty surgery in Korea, consult with our specialists at Docfinderkorea.

8 Reasons Why it is Worth Getting Plastic Surgery in Korea

South Korea has become known for plastic surgery, drawing the attention of individuals in all corners of the world seeking aesthetic enhancements. Renowned for its advanced medical technology, highly skilled surgeons, and a culture that places a high value on beauty, South Korea has become the destination for those considering plastic surgery. In this article, we will explore the reasons why individuals are increasingly opting for South Korea as their destination for cosmetic procedures. Technology and Expertise When it comes to medical technology and innovation, particularly in the plastic surgery field, South Korea has been at the forefront. This is due to government investment and commitment to research and development. Not only do they have advanced technology, but Korea’s plastic surgery facilities are equipped with the latest tools to ensure safety and precision in every procedure. The government also actively contributes to ensuring the safety and protection of the patients by enforcing strict policies and procedures. We at Docfinderkorea are fully licensed, partnering with only government-accredited clinics to guarantee your safety and satisfaction.World-Class Surgeons South Korean plastic surgeons are the driving force behind the growing popularity in the field. The expertise of South Korean plastic surgeons is globally recognized. These professionals undergo rigorous training, often combining domestic and international experiences to hone their skills. Their commitment to perfection and attention to detail distinguishes them in the competitive landscape of global plastic surgery. The surgeons are not only highly skilled but also extremely experienced, with hundreds of patients per year specializing in a wide range of cosmetic procedures. Whether it is facial contouring, eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty, or liposuction, South Korean plastic surgeons offer comprehensive services catering to the diverse needs and preferences of their international patients. The South Korean beauty standard emphasizes achieving natural-looking results, and plastic surgeons are committed to enhancing individual features in a way that appears harmonious and in tune with the person’s natural beauty rather than promoting drastic transformations. Diverse Range of Procedures South Korea stands out for its diverse range of cosmetic procedures, providing individuals with a broad spectrum of options to address their specific concerns and desires. From non-invasive treatments like skin treatments and fillers to complex surgical interventions such as angular jaw reduction and breast augmentation, the country offers a comprehensive range of aesthetic solutions. The diversity in procedures is not only limited to the types of surgeries available but also extends to the techniques used. South Korea is known for pioneering innovative surgical methods that reduce scarring, minimize recovery time, and enhance patients' overall satisfaction. This commitment to staying at the forefront of plastic surgery trends makes South Korea an attractive destination for those seeking the latest and most effective procedures.Natural-Looking Results As mentioned, one of the distinctive features of South Korean plastic surgery is its focus on achieving natural-looking results. The cultural preference for subtlety and balance in beauty has significantly influenced the approach of Korean plastic surgeons. Patients often report feeling more confident in the outcomes, as the enhancements complement their natural features rather than overpowering them. This inclination towards a more natural aesthetic aligns with the global shift towards embracing individuality and authenticity. South Korean plastic surgeons prioritize understanding each patient's unique features and tailoring procedures to enhance them while maintaining a natural appearance. This commitment to personalized and nuanced results contributes to the positive reputation of South Korean plastic surgery on the international stage.You can check out more before and after pictures here!Medical Tourism Infrastructure The growth of medical tourism in South Korea has been accompanied by strategic investments in infrastructure and services to cater to the unique needs of international patients. The country has developed a robust medical tourism ecosystem that ensures a seamless and comfortable experience from the initial inquiry to post-operative care.Medical tourism agencies such as Docfinderkorea are here to assist you and make your journey in South Korea as easy as possible. We aim to give positive experiences for foreign visitors, alleviating potential language barriers and providing a sense of reassurance throughout the entire plastic surgery journey.Affordability and Quality The cost of plastic surgery in South Korea is a very compelling factor for individuals seeking aesthetic enhancement procedures. While prices may vary depending on the type and complexity of the surgery, compared to many Western countries, the procedures are considered more affordable. The combination of affordability and high-quality services positions South Korea as an attractive option for those seeking value in cosmetic procedures. It is important to note that cost-effectiveness is not a compromise on quality. South Korean plastic surgery facilities adhere to rigorous standards, and the lower overall cost is often attributed to factors such as lower labor and administrative costs.Cultural Embrace of Beauty South Korea's cultural emphasis on beauty plays a significant role in shaping the country's perception of plastic surgery. Unlike some cultures where cosmetic enhancements might be met with skepticism or judgment, South Korea has embraced the concept of using modern medical advancements to enhance one's appearance. The Korean beauty standards, characterized by clear and smooth skin, well-defined facial features, and a youthful appearance, align with the goals of many individuals seeking plastic surgery. Not only are Korean beauty standards recognized, but there is less stigmatization and more cultural acceptance. With the increased popularity and spread of social media, more people are openly talking about their experiences, sharing clinic and doctor reviews, and discussing their thoughts and opinions, contributing to the overall positive atmosphere surrounding plastic surgery in Korea. Recovery and Wellness Opportunities Choosing South Korea for plastic surgery offers more than just access to top-tier medical facilities and services. This country has more to offer with it being one of the top places to visit in the world. Rich cultural history, coupled with its diverse landscapes, and amazing foods, patients can experience it all, further contributing to a rejuvenating recovery. This combination of medical care and wellness opportunities underscores South Korea's commitment to providing a comprehensive and well-rounded experience for individuals seeking plastic surgery. It transforms the recovery period into a time of exploration and self-care, enhancing the overall satisfaction of patients.The reasons to consider South Korea for plastic surgery are compelling, from the advanced technology and world-class surgeons to the safety and effectiveness of the procedures. Partner with Docfinderkorea, as we are here for you. We will be there every step of the way, from booking consultations, flights, and accommodations, to assisting you with every appointment. We will be your friends and family in South Korea. You can start your journey by making a consultation with our specialist here!

Eyelid Surgery Recovery and Aftercare in Korea

Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is a popular cosmetic procedure in Korea, catering to individuals seeking to enhance the appearance of their eyes. As with any surgical intervention, proper recovery and aftercare is crucial in ensuring optimal results.  Eyelid Surgery Recovery Period and Timeline The immediate postoperative period is crucial for ensuring a positive outcome. Understanding what to expect during these initial stages helps patients prepare for the journey ahead.First 24 to 48 Hours: Immediately after the eyelid surgery, patients are monitored in a recovery area to ensure stability. Patients may experience some discomfort, for which pain medications prescribed by the surgeon can provide relief. Some common symptoms include blurred vision, mild pain, tightness, dry eyes, and itchiness. Avoid contact with your eyes at all costs.5~10 days: Swelling, bruising, and redness are normal after surgery and are typically more pronounced in the initial days. The stitches will be removed around day 7. After the sutures are removed, the swelling will go down much faster.1~3 months: Your eyes will begin to look normal, with most of the swelling and bruising subsided.6 months ~ 1 year: At this point, your eyes have completely healed, and the shape of your eyes will be the final result. Your eyes will look natural, with no one being able to tell you had surgery. Eyelid Surgery Follow-Up Appointments Regular follow-up appointments with the surgeon are essential for monitoring progress, addressing concerns, and ensuring the healing process is on track.Surgeon's Evaluation:During follow-up visits, the surgeon evaluates the surgical site, checks for signs of infection, and ensures that the eyelids are healing as expected.Adjustments if Necessary:In some cases, adjustments may be required to achieve optimal results. The surgeon will discuss any necessary modifications based on the individual's healing response. Eyelid Surgery Post Surgery Aftercare Swelling and bruising differ from person to person. Follow these steps to get the best results while minimizing discomfort or the length of your recovery time.Follow your surgeons’ instructions: Online forums and articles can tell you what to expect during the recovery period, but the best advice is to follow your doctor’s instructions and go to follow-up appointments. The surgeon is the one who performed the surgery and knows your case history, so they should be able to help you through the recovery process and prescribe the appropriate medication.Keep your head elevated: It is advised to sleep with your head elevated above your heart and maintain a frontal position for a few weeks after your procedure. This is to facilitate proper blood flow and prevent further injury. Sleeping on your side can also cause additional bruising and swelling, so while it may be uncomfortable, avoid turning onto your back or sides.Cold compression: After the surgery, gently apply cold compression on the eyes for three days to help reduce the swelling and redness. Test the ice pack on your hand before putting it on your face and make sure to cover your eyes.Protecting the Eyes:Protecting the eyes from direct sunlight is crucial. Sunglasses with UV protection should be worn whenever you are outdoors to prevent damage and promote healing. It is also handy to have artificial tear drops in case your eyes get dry and irritable, as you mustn't rub your eyes during the first week after the surgery.Maintain a healthy diet: Certain foods can help reduce the swelling in the initial healing phase. Fruits such as pineapples and papaya are rich in papain, an enzyme that helps the body dispose of bruising by enhancing the body’s dissolution of bruising. Eating healthy and nutritious foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin D, calcium, and protein will assist with healing as well. On the other hand, limit spicy and salty food as they are notorious for causing swelling. Avoid spicy food for the first three weeks because spices such as chili powder can prolong healing. Prohibited actions After Eyelid Surgery in Korea Avoid rubbing or putting pressure on your eyes for at least two weeks.Do not wear contact lenses for about two weeks or until your doctor says so. You can wear eyeglasses.Do not wear eye makeup until two weeks after the surgery or until your doctor says so.Avoid vigorous exercise: After surgery, it is recommended that you do light walking. Walking helps with the swelling as it controls the heart rate and movement of the head. However, strenuous exercise is prohibited. You can resume exercise after two weeks but avoid activities that require you to bend over.Keep cool: Avoid saunas, hot showers, swimming pools, and massages for 1 to 2 months. Heat can cause the tissues to swell, so stay out of the heat. Also, try to avoid direct sun exposure because it can cause any scarring to darken and swelling to increase.Do not smoke or drink: Smoking and drinking alcohol is not recommended for up to 1~3 months after the surgery as it can increase the chances of infection and hinder the recovery process.How Can I Tell If I Have an Infection After Eyelid Surgery? You should contact the doctor:If you have increased swelling or bruising or if it persists for a few daysIf you have severe or increased pain that is not relieved by medicationIf you have any side effects to the prescribed medication such as rashes, nausea, vomiting, headache, or constipationIf you have any yellow or green drainage from the incision or notice a foul odorIf you have bleeding from the incision that does not stop with light pressureIf you have a loss of feeling or motion Addressing Potential Challenges After Eyelid Surgery While eyelid surgery is generally safe, challenges may arise during the recovery process. It is essential to be aware of potential issues and take prompt action.Infection MonitoringKeeping the surgical site clean and following proper hygiene practices is crucial to prevent infections. Any signs of redness, swelling, or unusual discharge should be reported to the surgeon promptly.Managing AsymmetryAchieving perfect symmetry in eyelid surgery can be challenging. Some degree of asymmetry may persist initially, but it often resolves as the healing process progresses. Patience is key, and concerns should be discussed with the surgeon during follow-up appointments. Eyelid surgery recovery and aftercare in Korea require a thoughtful and holistic approach. From the immediate postoperative period to long-term healing, patients benefit from following the guidance of experienced surgeons and adopting diligent self-care practices. While challenges may arise, understanding the potential issues and promptly addressing them with the guidance of a qualified surgeon ensures a smoother journey toward achieving the desired aesthetic results. Docfinderkorea will also guide you at every step of the way. If you want to learn more about eyelid surgery in Korea, click here.


Everything You Need to Know About Lower Blepharoplasty in Korea

Lower Blepharoplasty in Korea Lower blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure aimed at rejuvenating the appearance of the lower eyelids, which has become an increasingly popular procedure globally. It aims to address concerns such as under-eye wrinkles, under-eye bags, puffiness, and sagginess. This article will explore the various aspects of lower blepharoplasty in Korea, including the surgical techniques involved, after-surgery precautions and care, and the potential benefits and risks. Understanding Lower Blepharoplasty Lower blepharoplasty, also known as lower eyelid surgery, is a cosmetic procedure designed to enhance the appearance of the lower eyelids. The primary goals include removing or redistributing excess fat, tightening loose skin, and addressing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The ideal candidates for lower blepharoplasty are individuals with concerns related to the lower eyelids, such as under-eye bags, sagging skin, or dark circles. A good candidate should generally have good overall health and realistic expectations about the outcome of their procedure. Surgery procedure The duration of lower blepharoplasty is usually between 45 minutes to an hour. Depending on the patient, the procedure can be done together with other eyelid procedures. So, how is the procedure done?The surgeon will visually explain how they will do the procedure and the possible results depending on the shape of the lower eyelid and the amount of sagginess or excess you have.The doctor will then draw a line on your lower eyelid, which will serve as a guide throughout the procedure.Then, the doctor will make an incision and remove excess fats and skin.After the excess fat and skin have been removed or repositioned, the surgeon will stitch up the incisions.Benefits of Lower Blepharoplasty Improved Aesthetics: lower blepharoplasty can significantly enhance the aesthetics of the lower eyelids by eliminating under-eye bags, reducing puffiness, and smoothing out wrinkles and fine lines. This results in a more youthful appearance, contributing to increased self-confidence.Enhance eye contour: the procedure allows for the reshaping and contouring of the lower eyelids, creating a more defined and harmonious eye structure. By addressing excess fat and loose skin, lower blepharoplasty can improve the overall symmetry of the eyes.Long-lasting results: while the aging process continues, the results of lower blepharoplasty are generally long-lasting. Patients can enjoy the benefits of a more youthful and refreshed appearance for years after the procedure.Combination with other procedures: Lower blepharoplasty is often combined with other facial rejuvenation procedures, such as upper blepharoplasty, facelifts, or non-surgical treatments like filler or injections. This allows individuals to address multiple facial concerns simultaneously for a more harmonious result.Potential Risks and Considerations Swelling and Bruising: As with any surgical procedure, swelling and bruising are common side effects. However, these are typically temporary and resolved as the healing process progresses.Scarring: Lower blepharoplasty incisions are usually not visible because they are often hidden on the line of the lower eyelid. However, if there are any visible incisions, with proper care, the scars will fade over time and become less noticeable.Asymmetry: With all procedures, subtle asymmetry may persist. Achieving perfect symmetry is a complex challenge, but surgeons will try their best to aim for balance.Dry eyes: Some patients may experience temporary drying or irritation in the eyes. This symptom typically resolves as the eyes adapt to the changes. Lower Blepharoplasty Recovery After lower blepharoplasty surgery, you may have swelling, bruising, and tightness in your lower eyelids and the surrounding areas. Depending on your surgeon, you may have tape or bandages on or near your stitches area. Before being discharged from the clinic, you will get prescribed oral pain medication and antibiotics. You will be taught how to properly administer your eyedrops and apply the ointments. The most important instructions to follow are those given to you by your doctor. Here are some precautions you should follow:Clean and disinfect your incisions based on your doctor's instructionsAvoid strenuous exercises and activities while your eyelids are healingAvoid any saunas or excess humiditySleep with your head elevatedAvoid bending forward or putting any pressure on your face for one month after the surgeryWhile there are no food restrictions, try to avoid salty or spicy food, as it will not help with the swellingProtect your eyelids from the sun by using sunglasses or sunscreenEat a healthy, well-balanced diet while you are healingTry to walk around as it will help with the swelling Lower Blepharoplasty Before and After Lower blepharoplasty surgery can yield remarkable transformations in an individual's appearance. Before the procedure, individuals may experience concerns such as sagging, under-eye bags, and wrinkles that give a tired or aged look. However, after undergoing lower blepharoplasty, the results are often striking. The surgery addresses these concerns by removing excess skin, repositioning or eliminating fat deposits, and tightening underlying muscles. The before and after differences can be both visually significant and emotionally rewarding, boosting self-confidence, and contributing to an overall more vibrant and youthful aesthetic. Lower blepharoplasty is an anti-aging procedure that can be a highly effective and gratifying solution for those seeking to enhance the appearance of their lower eyelids. With careful considerations, realistic expectations, and the guidance of a skilled surgeon, individuals can achieve a more youthful and rejuvenated look, boosting their confidence and overall aesthetic appearance. For a stress-free journey and safe surgery, contact Docfinderkorea and make a consultation today. We will help you find a board-certified plastic surgeon at the top clinics in Seoul, South Korea.


What Are The Differences Between Eyebags and Dark Circles - How To Get Rid Of Them?

In the pursuit of a rejuvenated and youthful appearance, individuals often encounter a common cosmetic concern – dark circles under the eyes or eye bags. Despite various skincare regimens and lifestyle changes, some individuals find themselves grappling with persistent under-eye bags and shadows. In recent years, a surgical solution has gained popularity for addressing this concern, under-eye fat repositioning surgery. This procedure aims not only to eliminate under-eye bags but also to provide a long-lasting solution to dark circles. In this article, we will go into the intricacies of dark circles and eyebags, explore the causes behind them, and discuss the under-eye fat repositioning surgery as a transformative option. Eyebags and dark circles are common cosmetic concerns related to the area around the eyes, but they have distinct differences with different causes and characteristics.Understanding Eyebags and Its Causes Eyebags are characterized by puffiness or swelling under the eyes. This occurs when the tissues around the eyes, including fat, weaken and sag, causing bulging effects.Several factors cause or worsen eyebags: Aging: As we age, the skin loses elasticity and collagen, becoming less effective in holding back fat. The tissues and muscles around the eyes weaken; therefore, the support would eventually lead to protruded lower eyelids, giving the appearance of bags.Genetics: Some individuals may have eyebags running in the family.Fluid Retention: Excessive salt intake, hormonal changes, or other factors can cause fluid retention, leading to puffiness around the eyes. When fluid accumulates, it can cause additional swelling in the lower eyes.Allergies and Irritants: Allergic reactions can result in inflammation and fluid buildup, contributing to the development of eye bags.Understanding Dark Circles and Its Causes Dark circles, often referred to as periorbital hyperpigmentation, are a common cosmetic concern affecting individuals of various ages and backgrounds. These dark discolorations under the eyes are primarily caused by a combination of factors, making their treatment a multifaceted challenge.Several factors cause or worsen dark circles: Genetics: One of the leading contributors to dark circles is genetics. Some individuals are genetically predisposed to have thinner skin under their eyes, which can reveal the underlying blood vessels more prominently, giving the appearance of dark circles.Aging: As the skin ages, it loses collagen and elasticity, becoming thinner and more translucent. This natural aging process can contribute to the visibility of blood vessels and lead to the development of dark circles.Thin skin: The skin under the eyes is thinner than the rest of the face. It can make the blood vessels more visible and contribute to a darker appearance.Fatigue and lack of sleep: insufficient sleep or chronic fatigue can exacerbate the appearance of dark circles.Under-eye Fat Repositioning Surgery In recent years, under-eye fat repositioning surgery has emerged as a promising and transformative solution for individuals seeking to address under-eye bags and dark circles. This surgical procedure, also known as lower blepharoplasty or tear trough surgery, involves repositioning or redistributing the fat deposits under the eyes to achieve a more youthful and refreshed appearance. How the Surgery Works During the surgery, the surgeon carefully redistributes or repositions the under-eye fat to fill hollow areas and reduce the appearance of bags. This redistribution not only addresses the volume loss but also minimizes the shadows that contribute to dark circles.Tissue Tightening In addition to fat repositioning, the surgeon may tighten the underlying tissues to provide structural support. This helps in creating a smoother and more rejuvenated contour under the eyes.Customization The surgery is highly customizable to the individual's specific needs. Surgeons can tailor the procedure based on the patient's unique anatomy and the extent of correction required. Benefits of Under-eye Fat Repositioning Surgery Unlike some topical treatments or non-invasive procedures that may provide temporary improvement, under-eye fat repositioning surgery offers a comprehensive and long-lasting solution to both under-eye bags and dark circles. Natural-Looking Results By addressing the underlying causes of under-eye issues, the surgery aims to provide natural-looking results. The redistribution of fat creates a harmonious and youthful contour without the risk of an overdone or unnatural appearance.Improved Self-Confidence Individuals who undergo this surgery often report improved self-confidence and a more positive self-image. The reduction of under-eye bags and dark circles can contribute significantly to a more youthful and refreshed overall look.Minimal Scarring With advancements in surgical techniques, the incisions for under-eye fat repositioning surgery are typically well-concealed, resulting in minimal scarring. This is a significant advantage for individuals concerned about visible signs of surgery.  Under-eye Fat Repositioning Recovery and Aftercare Postoperative Swelling and Bruising It's common to experience some swelling and bruising following the surgery. However, these side effects are temporary and typically subside within a few weeks. Rest and Avoidance of Certain Activities Patients are advised to get plenty of rest during the initial recovery period. Avoiding strenuous activities, sun exposure, and certain medications can help facilitate a smoother recovery.Follow-up Appointments Regular follow-up appointments with the surgeon are crucial to monitor the healing process and address any concerns. Surgeons may provide postoperative care instructions to optimize the results. Potential Risks and Considerations Bleeding and Infection As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of bleeding and infection. However, these risks are minimized when the surgery is performed by a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon in a sterile environment. Asymmetry Achieving perfect symmetry is a complex task, and some degree of asymmetry may persist after surgery. However, experienced surgeons strive for balance and harmony in the final results. Under-correction or Over-correction While under-eye fat repositioning surgery aims for natural results, there is a possibility of under-correction or over-correction. Communication between the patient and surgeon during the consultation is crucial to setting realistic expectations. Conclusion Under-eye fat repositioning surgery stands at the forefront of cosmetic innovations, offering a transformative solution to the persistent issues of under-eye bags and dark circles. As technology and surgical techniques continue to advance, individuals seeking a more youthful and refreshed appearance have a reliable option that goes beyond topical treatments and temporary fixes.It is essential for individuals considering this surgery to consult with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon who can assess their unique anatomy and discuss realistic expectations. With careful consideration, proper aftercare, and realistic expectations, under-eye fat repositioning surgery can pave the way to a brighter tomorrow, where individuals can confidently face the world with rejuvenated and captivating eyes. Click here to make a consultation with Docfinderkorea.


Asymmetrical Eyes and How to Correct It

Asymmetrical eyes, a common aesthetic concern for many individuals, refer to a noticeable imbalance in the size, shape, or positioning of the eyes. While slight variations in eye symmetry are entirely normal, pronounced asymmetry can sometimes lead to self-consciousness and a desire for correction. The human face is inherently asymmetrical, and subtle differences are natural. However, when the asymmetry becomes more noticeable, individuals may seek cosmetic solutions to achieve a more balanced and harmonious appearance.The main cause of asymmetrical double eyelids is the levator muscle. This triangular-shaped muscle, located in each upper eyelid, elevates and retracts the upper eyelids. When the levator muscle becomes weak or damaged, it can cause ptosis, the drooping of the eyelids. This can make the appearance of asymmetrical eyes. Asymmetry After Double Eyelid Surgery When converting a monolid to a double eyelid through surgery, the eyelid skin is usually attached to a deeper layer like the levator aponeurosis or tarsus. However, if the levator muscle on one side of the eye is weak, the double eyelid fold may look larger on that side. Connecting the weight of the eyelid skin to the levator muscle in double eyelid surgery can be problematic when the muscle is weak, as it cannot adequately support the extra weight. This may lead to asymmetry but also make the eyelid with the weaker levator muscle feel heavier to the patient. To address asymmetry concerns, revisional double eyelid surgery can be performed with ptosis correction surgery. Imbalanced Eyebrows Another cause for uneven eyelids is imbalanced eyebrows, where one side droops more than the other, making one double eyelid fold seem smaller. Even if both double eyelid folds are initially set at the same height, the asymmetry in a downward-sloping brow can make the eyes look asymmetrical. To correct this, a forehead lift or brow lift can be undertaken.Forehead lift A forehead lift is a minimally invasive surgical procedure designed to enhance a drooping forehead, eyebrows, and upper eyelids. This procedure not only addresses the forehead line, but it can restore balance to eyebrow positioning and simultaneously bring a brightening effect to the eyes.The forehead lift surgery is performed with an FDA-certified device known as Endotine. Endotine is designed to lift and fixate onto the skin tissue, which will naturally absorb into the body within 6~12 months. Thin incisions are made behind the hairline to insert the endotine, lifting and fixating the saggy skin and tissues into the ideal location.Sub-Brow lift A sub-brow lift is a surgical procedure designed to elevate the upper eyelids and enhance the appearance of heavy-looking eyelids. This procedure is particularly beneficial for individuals with thick, sagging skin that obscures their double eyelids. The natural aging process often leads to the eyebrows drooping, contributing to expressions of anger and fatigue, but can also cause asymmetry in the eyes. This surgery effectively lifts and stabilizes drooping eyelids by making a thin incision below the eyebrows to pull and tighten the skin. Saggy skin and excess fat will be removed, and your previous, symmetrical double eyelid crease will be revealed. Uneven Double Eyelid Fold Another factor of asymmetry in the eyes is when the double eyelid fold is uneven. When the height of the fold is different, the surgeon can make the lower fold higher by designing a new fold at a higher position. When this new position is created, the lower fold will not be seen.Patients are often curious about which eyelid to reoperate on when there is a lower and higher eyelid fold on the set of eyes. If the double eyelid fold height in the smaller fold is increased, the newly created fold may not have the same tension as the non-operated eyelid. After the surgery, the eyelids may still be asymmetrical. Therefore, the better option is to operate on both eyelids to make the tension of the fold alike. Bone Structure When the bone structure is uneven, this can cause asymmetry in the eyes because the eye is in the bone socket while the eyelid is covering the bone surrounding the eyes. So, if the bone is more protruded outwards, the eyes can also look protruded, and when it is inward, the eyes look more deep set.Protruding Eyes Protruded eyes, also known as bulging eyes or exophthalmos, refer to a condition where the eyes appear to be pushed forward in the sockets. This prominence can be associated with uneven eyes, causing asymmetry in their appearance. When one eye protrudes more than the other, it can lead to noticeable disparities in the eye size and position. While there is no surgery to fix the protruding of the eyes, if the eyelids are uneven due to it, the surgeon may be able to even out the eyelids.Deep-Set Eyes Deep-set eyes, characterized by a prominent brow bone and eyes set deeper into the eye sockets, can be linked to uneven eyes in certain cases. While deep-set eyes themselves do not necessarily cause unevenness, the unique contours of the eye sockets can play a role in how light interacts with the eyes, influencing their perceived size and alignment. Similar to protruding eyes, surgical interventions may be involved to enhance symmetry and restore balance to the overall facial aesthetic. Uneven eyes, also known as eye asymmetry, can be a concern for individuals seeking cosmetic enhancements. Plastic surgery offers various procedures to address uneven eyes and achieve a more balanced and symmetrical appearance. Common surgical interventions include double eyelid surgery, where the eyelids are reshaped for uniformity, and ptosis surgery, which corrects drooping eyelids. Additionally, procedures such as brow lifts or forehead lifts can help align the eyebrows and improve eye symmetry. Surgeons may tailor these interventions based on the specific needs of each patient to create a harmonious and natural look. It's essential for individuals considering plastic surgery for uneven eyes to consult with experienced professionals who can provide personalized recommendations and discuss potential outcomes and risks. Make a consultation with Docfinderkorea today. 


Importance of Eyelid Types, Height, and Thickness for Eyelid Surgery in Korea

The eyes are considered to be the windows to the soul and one of the first things people notice about a person’s face. Everyone has beautifully diverse eyes of various shapes, sizes, and colors. In this article, we will discuss how eyelid type, height, and thickness should be evaluated when performing eyelid surgery in Korea.Eyelid Types Monolids A monolid, also known as an epicanthic fold, is an eyelid shape that doesn't have a crease. It is called “mono” because people with monolids appear to have one eyelid fold rather than a double. The skin of the upper eyelid covers the inner part of the eyes, which means no fold divides the eyelids into two parts. Monolids are most seen in people of East Asian descent. In some cases, it can make the eyes look more prominent and, in some, a narrower appearance.Monolids are most common among Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Mongolian people. While scientists do not fully understand why Asian people have developed the monolid genes, the theory is that monolids gave people living in cold and windy climates an adaptive advantage, offering better eye protection.Image SourceDouble Eyelids The double eyelid is when there is a visible fold or crease over the eyelids. The eyelid looks as if it's divided into two sections, hence the name “double lid.” Many Asian cultures associate double eyelids with beauty because double eyelids appear more defined and give greater expressiveness.Hooded Eyelids When one has a hooded eyelid, also known as dermatochalasis, the skin covers the eye crease partially or entirely, giving it a hooded look or making the eyelids look petite. The skin below the eyebrow comes close or touches their eyelashes. Hooded eyelids are primarily genetic, but can naturally develop as one ages and skin starts to sag. Some people may find that it can obscure their vision.Image SourceDifferent Types of Eyelid Crease Height The eyelid crease height indicates the position of the crease relative to the base of the eyelashes. It is the distance from the upper eyelid margin to the upper eyelid crease.Image SourceThe crease height is different for all ages, genders, ethnicities, and genes. For example, males usually have about 6mm to 8mm above the eyelid margin, while women have around 8mm to 10mm crease distance. We will go more in-depth about the three types of eyelid crease height: low, medium, and high.Low Crease The height of a low crease usually ranges from 5mm to 6mm above the eyelash line. This is the most common crease height among Asians who are born with a crease. As it is the most naturally occurring crease, it is also the most natural-looking height when done surgically on Asian eyes.Medium Crease The medium crease usually extends from 7mm to 9mm above the eyelash. This crease height is less commonly seen in Asian descendants, so it may look unnatural if they get it surgically done, especially if they have naturally small, shaped eyes. If they have rounder-looking eyes, it may look natural. Those with medium-height creases usually have a more prominent crease and open-eyed appearance.High Crease A high crease can reach up to 9mm or above. Having a high crease is commonly perceived as attractive because it has the effect of having big eyes. In many cultures, large eyes are seen as beautiful and a sign of youthfulness.Thickness of Skin When considering Korean eyelid surgery, one of the most important factors to evaluate is the thickness of the eyelid skin. There are thin, medium, and thick areas on the skin region. Different ethnicities have different skin thicknesses. Asians and black skin generally have thicker skin because darker skin types have more cornified cell layers and greater lipid content.Asian eyelid skin tends to be thicker while having shorter or smaller elevating muscles. Therefore, when performing double eyelid surgery on Asians, it is important to fix the eyelid skin to the lower or medium eyelid skin. If placed too high, it can cause puffy-looking eyelids.Other ethnicities tend not to have thick skin on their eyelids. However, over time, the ultraviolet rays (UV) from the sun, damage the fibers in our skin called elastin. With the breakdown of the elastin fibers, it causes the skin to sag, stretch, and lose its ability to snap back. The lighter your skin, the less collagen and elastin you have, which causes the skin to sag earlier.With that being said, when your skin starts to sag on the eyelid regions, there are several procedures to help you look more youthful.Upper Blepharoplasty Upper blepharoplasty aims to improve the drooping and sagging skin on the upper eyelids. This eye surgery targets excess skin, muscle, and fatty tissues that may contribute to a tired or aged look. Upper blepharoplasty is sought by individuals who wish to improve both aesthetic concerns, but also functional aspects related to vision obstruction. A droopy eyelid may cover your vision, which can result in discomfort and deeper wrinkles on the forehead area.Lower Blepharoplasty Lower blepharoplasty is an eye surgery designed to enhance the appearance of the lower eyelids. It addresses the concerns of under-eye bags, wrinkles, and excess skin. This surgery is great for those who want to reduce signs of aging and achieve a more youthful appearance.Sub-brow Lift Sub-brow lift surgery is also recommended for individuals who seek to improve sagging eyes. It lifts your upper eyelids and improves the heaviness of the eyes. With age, our eyebrows also begin to droop, which can give an angry or tired appearance. The difference between upper blepharoplasty and sub-brow lift is that while they both focus on improving the saggy skin and making you look more youthful if you also wish to create a double eyelid crease or a new crease, upper blepharoplasty is more suitable.In conclusion, the eyes hold a unique significance in facial aesthetics, with their diverse shapes, sizes, and colors contributing to the individuality of each person. Understanding the intricacies of eyelid types, including the height and thickness is crucial when considering eyelid surgery, particularly in the context of Korea’s cosmetic procedures. This article has shed light on the importance of a thorough evaluation in tailoring surgical interventions to the specific needs of each individual. Recognizing and respecting the unique characteristics of one’s eyelids is paramount for achieving successful and harmonious outcomes in eyelid surgery. By doing so, individuals can enhance their natural beauty while preserving the distinctiveness that makes their eyes a captivating aspect of their overall appearance.


What Are the Different Types of Eyelid Surgeries in Korea?

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is a common cosmetic procedure in Korea, and it holds cultural significance. In Korean society, the "double eyelid" is often considered a beauty standard, representing a more prominent and defined eyelid crease. This preference has led to an increasing number of individuals seeking eyelid surgeries to enhance their appearance and conform to societal beauty ideals.Different Eye Shapes Korea boasts a rich diversity of eye shapes, each unique and beautiful in its own way. The most common eye shapes include monolids, double eyelids, tapered eyelids, parallel eyelids, and hooded eyelids. Eyelid surgeries are tailored to meet individual preferences and enhance the natural beauty of each eye shape.In-Line The in-line eye shape is the most common fold among Asians. The double eyelid starts from the inside of the Mongolian fold and becomes wider along the eyelid. Only the end shows the double eyelid. This type offers a more understated look while still achieving a double eyelid effect.In-Out Line The in-out line is when the double eyelid line starts from the outside of the Mongolian fold and follows the end. You can see the entire double eyelid line. This style is often preferred for a more elongated and sophisticated appearance.Semi-Out Line The semi-out line, also known as the parallel double eyelid, is the trendiest eye shape in Korea. You can see that the fold starts parallel to the last line and does not meet the Mongolian fold, but it is still slightly tapered inward. It creates a natural and subtle enhancement, providing a more defined look without appearing overly dramatic.Out-Line The out-line shape is also parallel to the Mongolian fold, but you can see that it does not taper into the inner corner at all. This style is popular among those seeking a bold and glamorous look.Image SourceTypes of Double Eyelid Surgery in Korea Non-Incisional Double Eyelid Surgery: Non-incisional double eyelid surgery, often referred to as partial-incision or suture eyelid surgery, is a less invasive option. In this technique, the surgeon creates the double eyelid crease by making small punctures in the eyelid through which sutures are inserted. These sutures help to create and maintain the desired crease without the need for a full incision.What are the advantages?Non-incisional double eyelid surgery is less invasive and has a shorter recovery time. There is minimal scarring compared to the incisional technique, however, there are some things to consider. The non-incisional method results may not be as permanent, and it is only recommended for individuals with thin eyelid skin and minimal excess fat. ncisional Double Eyelid Surgery: Incisional double eyelid surgery, also known as full-incision or open eyelid surgery, is one of the most common techniques in Korea. This procedure involves making a small incision along the upper eyelid to create a crease. The surgeon then removes excess skin, fat, and muscle before suturing the incision. This method is preferred by those seeking a more permanent and dramatic result.What are the Advantages?Unlike the non-incisional method, the incisional double eyelid surgery gives permanent results. It is suitable for individuals with excess skin or fat on the upper eyelids. Due to the incision, it can take a longer time to recover and may result in possible scarring, although efforts are made to minimize visibility.Revision Double Eyelid Surgery: Revision double eyelid surgery is performed on individuals who have previously undergone double eyelid surgery but are dissatisfied with the results or have experienced complications. This type of surgery requires a high level of skill and expertise, as the surgeon must work with existing scar tissue and address any issues from the previous procedure.What are the advantages?Revisional double eyelid surgery can correct the unsatisfactory results from the previous surgeries and make a tailored approach to address the specific concerns. It is important to note that any revision surgery has increased complexity due to the existing scar tissues. Also, the patient’s expectations and communication are crucial for a successful outcome.Full Incision vs. Partial Incision: Within incisional and non-incisional categories, there are further differentiations based on the extent of the incision or suture placement. Some patients may opt for a full incision for a more dramatic result, while others may choose a partial incision for a subtler enhancement. The choice between full and partial incision depends on individual preferences, the desired outcome, and the surgeon's recommendation based on the patient's anatomy.Different Types of Canthoplasty Canthoplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to enhance the overall shape of the eyes by reshaping the lateral or medial corners of the eye. There are three types of canthoplasty:Epicanthoplasty is the opening of the inner corners of the eyes. This procedure enlarges the width of the eyes by correcting the Mongolian folds, the skin that covers the inner corners of the eyes. Epicanthoplasty is recommended for those who have stuffy-looking eyes, have Mongolian folds, and those who have a wide distance between the eyes.Lateral Canthoplasty is an eye procedure to elongate the outer corners of the eyes. The surgeon will customize the height and shape to determine which design fits your face. A minimal incision is made to remove the excess skin. This surgery is recommended for those who have shorter or slanted eyes.Vertical Canthoplasty, like lateral canthoplasty focuses on the outer corner of the eyes. Instead of elongating the corners, the vertical canthoplasty lowers the outer corners to create large and clearer eyes, giving it a softer impression. In most cases, vertical and lateral canthoplasty are performed together, commonly known as dual canthoplasty.Patient Considerations and Consultation Before undergoing double eyelid surgery in Korea, individuals should carefully consider various factors and engage in thorough consultations with qualified plastic surgeons. Some essential considerations include:Individual Anatomy: The anatomy of the eyelids varies among individuals, and the choice of surgery should be tailored to each patient's unique features. A skilled surgeon will assess the patient's eyelid structure, skin thickness, and other factors to recommend the most suitable technique.Expectations and Communication: Clear communication between the patient and the surgeon is crucial to ensure realistic expectations and satisfactory results. Patients should express their desired outcomes, and surgeons should provide a thorough understanding of the potential results, limitations, and risks associated with the chosen technique.Recovery Time: Different techniques have varying recovery times. While non-incisional methods generally involve a shorter recovery period, incisional surgeries may require more downtime. Patients should be prepared for the postoperative healing process and follow the surgeon's instructions for optimal results.Choosing a Qualified Surgeon: Selecting a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon is paramount to the success of the procedure. Docfinderkorea works with only board-certified plastic surgeons who are qualified and have years of experience. Make a consultation with us here.
