Whether you have a receding, long, or asymmetric chin, if you are looking to improve the look
of your chin, this is the surgery for you. Your chin will be corrected through an individualized
surgery plan for the best results. By paying attention to the detail of your chin shape and
facial nerves, you get a well-proportioned chin that fits your face.
Docfinderkorea can help you to find the most proper surgery method for your case, which
both corrects the length and position of the chin.
Process of genioplasty surgery
An osteotomy (shape will be adjusted to each patient’s case) is performed below the nerve line. Excess bone will be removed if chin reduction is necessary or realigned if chin advancement is necessary.
The chin position is redesigned to create a harmonious and balanced new chin.
The new chin design is secured with titanium pins. If side bone shaving is necessary, then the surgery will be upgraded to mini v-line or v-line surgery
* Chin implant is recommended for patients who is only looking for subtle chin advancement
There are various ways to perform a chin osteotomy and it may vary depending on
the condition of the patient. No technique can be considered “better”,
but rather which is suitable for the patient and maximizes satisfaction and results.
The type of chin osteotomy that will be most suitable for you
will be recommended by our facial contouring specialist during an in-person consultation.
Commonly used for significantly long and flat chin
Commonly used for short chin
Commonly used for wide chin
Commonly used for cleft chin or high nerve line position
Commonly used for long chin
Various osteotomy plan for different chin cases
Genioplasty is recommended for those who
Have a long or wide chin
Have a chin that protrudes or too long out
Have an asymmetrical chin
Have a short or weak chin
Have a flat chin
Create a chin that is harmonious with your face
with our specialist surgeon.
Quick and easy surgery for elegant looking chin
Simple and safe chin retouch can greatly improve your facial contour
Minimal incisions for faster recovery
The incision is made inside the mouth to prevent visible scarring
Obtain balanced facial proportions
Facial nerve is perfectly protected through precise surgery performed by an experienced facial bone surgeon with the most advanced equipment
After genioplasty in Korea
How much does genioplasty cost in Korea?
The cost of genioplasty in Korea ranges from ₩6,000,000 to
₩10,000,000 depending on the clinic.
Can I have surgery if I have braces?
Yes, genioplasty is possible even if you have braces because it
does not correlate with orthodontic treatment. However, you
may experience difficulty opening your mouth after surgery,
preventing you from receiving orthodontic treatment for 2 to 3
months after surgery.
What food should I avoid after genioplasty?
After surgery, it is important to stick to a soft food or liquid diet
to avoid putting strain on the jaw and chin area. Chewing
should be minimized, especially in the first few weeks. You can
gradually reintroduce more solid foods into your diet based on
your surgeon's guidelines.
Can you speak or smile after genioplasty?
Yes, you can speak or smile after surgery, but you may
experience some discomfort during the initial healing period.
Will there be any visible scars after genioplasty?
You will have no visible scars. The incisions are made inside the
Will I have metal screws and plates after genioplasty?
Yes, metal screws and plates are typically used in genioplasty to
secure the repositioned bone. Made of biocompatible titanium,
they are generally designed to remain permanently without
causing issues. However, if removal is desired, it can be done
safely about one year after surgery.
How long should I wait for revision genioplasty?
It is recommended to wait at least one year before considering
revision genioplasty. This allows sufficient time for bone healing,
reduction of swelling, and assessment of the final results.
What is the difference between genioplasty and chin implant surgery?
Genioplasty involves reshaping and repositioning the patient’s
own chin bone to enhance the chin’s appearance, whereas chin
implant surgery uses a synthetic implant to increase chin
projection. Genioplasty often provides a more natural look and
can address both vertical and horizontal changes, while
implants primarily add projection and volume.
How many days should I stay in Korea after chin surgery?
It is recommended to stay in Korea for 14 days after surgery to
ensure all stitches are properly removed. However, if you need
to leave earlier, you can depart after 5 to 7 days and have the
stitches removed in your home country.
More before and after pictures
Great improvement can be expected if this surgery is performed together with: