A natural looking nose that complements my face Achieve your dream nose
Surgery time
Around 1.5 hour
Anesthesia type
Local anesthesia with sleeping sedation
Not required
Face wash & make up application
7 days after surgery
Post surgery check-up
1 time (depending on the patient's condition)
Stitches removal
7~10 days after surgery
The nose, which is at the center of the face is very important. One of the most well-known
nose surgery in Korea is augmentation rhinoplasty for a flat or low nose.
However, that is not all there is to rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty can also improve a crooked nose,
long nose, short nose, upturned nose, deviated nose, and bulbous nose. When necessary,
additional nose function improvement might also be recommended together with
nose aesthetic improvement.
It is important to take facial proportions into consideration.
Careful analysis and diagnosis are fundamental in designing a perfect nose for the individual.
Tip plasty is included in Rhinoplasty.
Process of rhinoplasty
After the implant type is selected based on diagnosis, an incision is made on the surgery site.
The customized implant is inserted into the nose. If necessary, cartilage is used to correct the tip of the nose.
Natural and elegant nose is created.
Are there any additional surgeries that need to be done together for better surgery results?
There are also other additional surgeries that get performed with nose surgery such as nostril rim lowering and CATS graft (philtrum graft). Lastly, nose functional surgery might also be recommended if necessary.
What is CATS graft?
CATS graft (philtrum graft) is an optional addition to nose surgery for those with retruded philtrum (under nose area). CATS graft will be able to bring more balance and create a beautiful nose and philtrum profile.
What is nostril rim lowering surgery?
Nostril rim lowering surgery is recommended for those with asymmetrical nostril height or visible nostril from the frontal view. This surgery will improve the nostril arch.
Nose and philtrum angle relationship
Ideal nose angle for a feminine or masculine image
Who is eligible for rhinoplasty?
We recommend rhinoplasty with the most experienced specialist surgeon that can naturally shape the face and produce a refined, sophisticated appearance for
Those who want a natural, but multidimensional nose that fits the face
Those whose eye placement is seemingly affected by their nose
Those who want an improved and balanced nose
Those who have a flat nose
Those who have an arrow-shaped nose tip that droops
Those who have a nose disproportionate to their face
Those who tend to look older because of their long nose
Those with a short and upturned nose
Those with visible nostrils
Those who were born with or acquired a crooked nose
Those with a fractured or deviated septum due to trauma
Get twice the satisfaction with a surgery
that matches your looks and needs.
With our surgical knowledge and
abundance of expertise, we can find
the solutions to your nose appearance complex.
The surgery results in a beautiful, natural-looking nose
The ideal shape, implant, and cartilage are based on analyzing the height and angle of the nose case by case
Reduced recovery period and minimal tissue damage by our specialist surgeons’ advanced nose surgery technique
Correcting a nose improves facial balance and proportions
Sophisticated image can be obtained through simple nose improvement
After rhinoplasty in Korea
How much does rhinoplasty cost in Korea?
Rhinoplasty in Korea typically costs around ₩4,000,000 to
₩8,000,000 depending on the clinic and the complexity of the
patient’s nose. Additional costs may apply if cartilage is needed,
if it is a revision case, structural work is needed, etc.
How long after a nose job can I fly?
While this depends on the clinic, most recommend waiting at
least 1 week before flying after a nose job. Flying can increase
swelling or affect sinus pressure due to cabin pressure. So, while
taking a flight after 3~5 days is possible, it is generally best to
wait at least one week.
Can I wear glasses after rhinoplasty?
It is typically advised to wait one month after a nose job before
wearing glasses, as the pressure from the glasses resting on
your nose can affect the healing process and potentially alter
the surgical results. If you must wear glasses, use a special
support pad or tape your glasses to your forehead to avoid
pressure on the bridge of your nose.
Will I have visible scars after rhinoplasty?
Our clinics typically perform open rhinoplasty, which provides
the surgeon with enhanced visibility of the nasal structures,
allowing for greater accuracy and precision. In open rhinoplasty,
the incision is made on the columella, the space between the
two nostrils. This incision may leave a tiny scar, which becomes
hardly noticeable over time.
How long will I need to stay in Korea after nose surgery?
Each clinic has its own timeline for stitch removal, but most
remove the nose stitches around seven days after surgery.
Therefore, it’s generally recommended to stay in Korea for
about a week post-surgery. If you’d prefer to leave earlier, you
can arrange to have the stitches removed in your home /
another country.
When can I undergo revision rhinoplasty?
You can typically undergo revision rhinoplasty at least one year
after your initial surgery. This allows enough time for the nose
to fully heal and for all the swelling to subside, allowing the
final shape to take place.
More before and after pictures
Great improvement can be expected if this surgery is performed together with: